"emperor's have a vested interest in maintaining the empire, a monarchy only wants to maintain themselves"
Hmmm...Napoleon seemed a little self-absorbed/self-serving to me.
"we are taking in more tax revenue than before"
Uh, yeah, from the lower and middle class.
"can you say Tyson foods or creating national parks over dirt that threatened your buddy the Sultan."
The Tyson case is not relevant. And The Sultan is not my buddy. That is merely a case of keeping your friends close, but your enemies closer.
"raping of natural resources"
Stick to the subject, Box. We are talking domestic natural resources here. See also below.
"clintons refused to look for domestic oil increasing foreign dependence"
How much was a barrel of crude during Clinton admin? Besides, he wasn't looking for oil, kind sir....
[The Clinton Administration has taken] action on:
*Successfully negotiated the Kyoto Protocol, which sets strong, realistic targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and establishes flexible, market-based mechanisms to achieve them as cost-effectively as possible.
* Extended the tax credits for wind and biomass energy production through 2001.
* Set a goal of tripling our use of bioenergy and bioproducts by 2010.
* Increased research funding to more than $1.7 billion in FY 2000 to provide a sound scientific understanding of both the human and natural forces that influence the Earth\ufffds climate system.
* Issued new energy efficiency standards for home appliances that will save consumers money and reduce emissions of greenhouse gases.
* Directed federal agencies to reduce energy use in buildings 35 percent by 2010, reducing annual greenhouse gas emissions by the equivalent of taking 1.7 million cars off the road and saving taxpayers over $750 million a year.
"bombing aspirin factories ring a bell? enabling muslims to take over slavic lands?"
Who gives a crap about an aspirin factory. Bush invaded a whole country on weaker evidence than Bill's on the above. And Bill paid them back for their trouble. Besides, how many Americans died....zip.
part deux: "It is finally clear to most historians and pundits that 1992-5 was essentially a war of aggression pursued by the Serbs and the Bosnian Serbs upon the peaceful, sovereign, and multiethnic nation of Bosnia-Herzegovina, and one in which the Croats connived for territorial gain." From Wikipedia. Something had to be done and it was fully supported by the UN community.
The war in Iraq, clearly, is not.
"he {Bush}faked evidence to get on with a war that was inevitable, the cost of containment vs the cost of invasion. The invasion went well but exit strategy and occupation suffered from extremely poor planning. Brer Bill would have done better because he would have relied on more traditional military methods.
Shrub is an anencephalic squirrel, Hillary is a brainiac.
Peace, my friend :)