Post #21,529
12/14/01 4:11:14 PM

Where to get OS/2 cheap?
OS/2 Warp, what is the latest version 4.0? Any place to buy it cheap at?
I have an old Pentium 166Mhz system with a 240M hard drive, I might upgrade that drive to a larger one and have 95 and maybe OS/2 on it to test stuff out on. 4X IDE CD-ROM, does OS/2 have built in IDE CD-ROM drivers or do I have to download them? Last I recalled, that V 3.0 or whatever had some CD-ROM issues.
"Oy! Seats taken mate!" - "Brilliant!" on BBC America
Post #21,546
12/14/01 5:56:40 PM

Any Half Price Books near you?
I'd recommend eCS, but based on Playstation 2 discussions in the past I know $330 is not exactly in your budget.
I picked up a copy of Warp 3 at [link||Half Price Books] a couple years ago for $10.
Also check ebay, I understand OS/2 shows up fairly often.
I'd also highly recommend you get [link||WarpUp!] as it'll contain all of the available "free" updates to OS/2 as well as a nice front-end to see what you have/haven't yet updated(there's seperate updates for drivers, TCP/IP statics, the base OS, etc).
Yes, 4.0 has the right drivers. 3.0 came out when there were lots of ways to hook up a CDROM. I had the driver problem with 3.0, my CDROM was hooked up via a sound card's proprietary connection. Luckily I had internet access at U of H and was able to easily get the updated drivers.
Darrell Spice, Jr.
[link||SpiceWare] - We don't do Windows, it's too much of a chore
Post #21,549
12/14/01 6:28:38 PM

Was that Warp 3 or Warp 3 connect?
I had Warp for a while, but the reason I couldn't get the camel's nose into the tent was that I would have needed Warp 3 Connect at the office. Oh well.
"Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it." -- Donald Knuth
Post #21,714
12/17/01 12:44:41 PM

Warp 3
Darrell Spice, Jr.
[link||SpiceWare] - We don't do Windows, it's too much of a chore
Post #21,558
12/14/01 9:02:43 PM

Nope, none in Missouri
we must be too conservative here to get a half price books store?
I'll check the auction sites.
"Oy! Seats taken mate!" - "Brilliant!" on BBC America
Post #21,716
12/17/01 12:45:43 PM

Could be a different "Recycled Books" store in your area
Darrell Spice, Jr.
[link||SpiceWare] - We don't do Windows, it's too much of a chore
Post #21,767
12/17/01 7:53:37 PM

No such luck
in my area most businesses want to get as much as they can for merchandice. There is a used book store, but no computer software.
This is Saint Louis Missouri, the UltraConservatives control most of the businesses here. Or at least in the area of the county I live in. They tried to build a Hooters out here and they refused to give them a liquior licence and refused to let them start building one, so they moved it to another location. Downtown Saint Louis the fast food joints just about refuse to have sales or charge $1 to $2 extra for the value meals. For $5 to $7 you can have lunch downtown, or maybe for $3 to $5 in some parts of the county that don't overcharge.
The last really really cheap place that sold software was "Crazy Dave's Computer Trends" but somehow Apple busted them for selling Franklin Aces or some sort of other nonsense. We also had Egghead which closed down, and Babbages but Babbages now sells only Console and PC Games, no OSes.
"Oy! Seats taken mate!" - "Brilliant!" on BBC America
Post #21,717
12/17/01 12:50:34 PM

If you're OK with Warp 3 / Warp 3 Connect...
I have one unopened box of each.
For the cost of shipping, I'll send either or both to anybody who wants them.
However, eCS is much nicer than Warp 3 or Warp 4.
Tony Who has OS/2 V2.0 somewhere on 5.25" floppies, in addition to 2.1, 3.0, 4.0, and eCS
Post #21,768
12/17/01 7:55:22 PM

How much for shipping?
Would you take Paypal or something to get the payment? How would you like to do this? Email me at nking at for the details. Thanks.
"Oy! Seats taken mate!" - "Brilliant!" on BBC America
Post #21,780
12/17/01 10:09:40 PM

Probably under $10
FedEx ground shipping is really cheap, something like 30% less than UPS or USPS.
I'll try to get back to you soon, but it may take a couple days since I've got a lot to do right now.
Paypal would be fine.
Post #21,800
12/18/01 1:22:02 AM

Sounds great
Paypal if you want it, if not I can get you a money order. "Warp Connect 3.0" sounds like the winner to me. Is it floppy disks or a CD-ROM?
Anyone have the link to the Warp 3.0 IDE CD-ROM driver for this puppy?
Will Warp 3.0 run that ODIN stuff?
I just downloaded Mozilla for OS/2, any other Internet based software I should be aware of? StarOffice or rather OpenOffice?
"Oy! Seats taken mate!" - "Brilliant!" on BBC America
Post #22,167
12/20/01 11:00:53 PM

Norm, you have mail
Short synopsis: I've located Warp Connect, will try to get it wrapped and shipped by Dec 28.
Post #22,188
12/21/01 12:14:43 AM

Thanks, I apreciate it
I will give it a try as soon as I get it.
"Before Christmas it is 'Ho ho ho', after Christmas it is 'Owe owe owe'" - Santa Norm