Damn but your talents are wasted printing Buy-Me-NOW! stuff ad infinitum.
[opinion on the value judgment; fact re the 'talents']

Imagine... IF instead
Your project involved, oh say

. . .

1) We invade
2) We win
3) We re-recruit their cops, military, ___ and ___
4) We equip the above with our specially-prepped liaison teams of the listed specialties
5) We manage the distribution of scrip / ensure monetary system continuity
6) We guard, repair, maintain security of all power stations, warehouses, major communications, arsenals (evident and clandestine - as uncovered)
7) Food, fuel, sanitation, hospitals + supplies per ___ and ___
8) We delegate the following sub-categories ___ as coordinated by ___ and __
9) We ___ ____ and especially: ___ ___ ___
n) We bring in the transition team, backed by allies ___ and ___ who have by this stage been trained in the overall plan \ufffd l\ufffd Gantt - as is familiat now to All of You.

Oh well ....

never mind