My bosses divorce has gone beyond just being unpleasent and reached the level of physical violence. A wrestling match over keys in front of their kids escalated out of control. Ended with the youngest kid calling the cops.
I was in the other room working when this happened, so I didn't see anything. But from what I heard and saw afterwards, it was heading for an all out fight. Both had some bruises, and my boss had a bite mark. Calling the police was enough to get them settled though. The office is in a small, wealthy area, so the cops where there in just a few minutes.
The police talked to everybody for a while. They made clear that they don't get involved in the civil side of the dispute and where bordering on arresting both of them. Suggested to my boss that they both get a lawyer and handle this at arms length, but they don't have the money for that. Went to great lengths to explain to my boss that if things do get violent, it will be harder on him.
If I had any money in the bank I would be out of there right now. But I havn't recovered from my last unemployement yet, I don't have any significant saving to go back on.