Post #214,885
7/14/05 9:40:31 PM

London: The Pakistani (and Saudi) Connection
[link||Stephen Schwartz spells it out]
Excerpt: Western academics and journalists are often at pains to distinguish between the Jamaatis and Wahhabism, which is the state religion in Saudi Arabia. But differences in theological details, although they do exist, are secondary; mainly, the Saudi Wahhabis hold to a deceptive alliance with the Western powers, while the Jamaatis were always frontally anti-Western. The Jamaatis study in Saudi Arabia and share with the Wahhabis a murderous hatred of Muslims who do not conform to their ideology, considering those who reject their teachings to be apostates from Islam. They regularly massacre Shia Muslims, in particular, in Pakistani cities. They also completely reject participation by Muslim immigrants in the political and social institutions of Western countries in which they live, and they consider suicide terror legitimate. Pakistan has very few energy resources, and the Saudis have used cheap oil to support Wahhabi infiltration. In the system of radical Islam, if Saudi Arabia may be compared with the former Soviet state, Pakistan could be a parallel to the former East Germany. For these reasons, the identification of four British-born Muslims of Pakistani origin as the perpetrators of the London atrocity comes as no surprise to those who have been paying attention to these matters. The seething, ferocious rhetoric heard in Pakistani Sunni mosques, at Friday services every week in outlying cities such as Leeds, is far more insidious, as the London events may show, than the antics engaged in by Arab loudmouths like the Syrian Omar Bakri Muhammad, the hook-handed Egyptian Abu Hamza al-Masri, or the bogus Saudi dissident Saad al-Faqih, all of who mainly perform for non-Muslim media attention. Social marginalization and underemployment of second generation ethnic Pakistani youth in Britain may be cited as a cause for the extremist appeal among them; but the constant drumming of the Jamaati message from the pulpit is much more significant. It is interesting to hear first-generation Pakistani Sunnis in Britain claim shock and surprise at the presence of terrorists among them. Pakistani Islamist radicalism dominates British Islam much as the "Wahhabi Lobby" in America monopolizes the voice of the Muslim community on our shores. I say: But it's traditional these days to blame the victim. Shouldn't the British [link||ask themselves why?] Excerpt: It is also becoming clear that the government thought the British public would turn on their Muslim neighbors if it were told the truth. The police themselves have contributed to the myth that the real problem now facing us is not Islam, but Islamophobia. There have been a handful of incidents since last Thursday, but certainly nothing that could be called a backlash. Yet the desire to prove that London's Metropolitan Police is not Islamophobic has created grotesque examples of political correctness. Scotland Yard is contributing $15,000 of taxpayers' money to enable a Swiss Islamist academic who is a recognized apologist for terrorism, Tariq Ramadan, to address a conference of young Muslims in London next month, despite knowing full well that Mr. Ramadan had been banned from America. The result of this bad faith between the government and the governed is quite serious. Now that at last we know who and what we are up against, we are no longer sure that the authorities are on our side. The police protect Islam - I saw two constables standing guard outside the local mosque yesterday morning - but they are powerless to protect the rest of society against the Islamists. Exhorted to be vigilant, people fear accusations of Islamophobia if they voice their suspicions. It is so much easier to blame the Iraq war or the Americans or the Israelis than to face the horrific truth: that we now have a fifth column, nameless, faceless, and utterly ruthless, dedicated to transforming Britain into an Islamic republic.
I say: Appeasmement policies made it easier for these bastards to posion the minds of young and impressionable Brits. But meanwhile, our tough stance on terror worldwide seems to be [link||yielding results]
Excerpt: Osama bin Laden's standing has dropped significantly in some key Muslim countries, while support for suicide bombings and other acts of violence has "declined dramatically," according to a new survey released today. In a striking finding, predominantly Muslim populations in a sampling of six North African, Middle East and Asian countries also shared to "a considerable degree" Western nations' concerns about Islamic extremism, the survey found. Many in those Muslim nations see it as threat to their own country, the poll found. I say: And since someone's bound to bring it up, [link||here's a roundup] of Saddam links to al Qaeda.
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---------------------------------------------------------------- If you don't like my posts, don't click on them. Well, pardon us for winning the election.
Post #214,891
7/14/05 9:53:09 PM

Why do you still visit here?
I really want to understand this particular pathology.
While you're at it, apologize for a few things, ok?
45 minutes nuclear weapons bioligical weapons mobile weapons labs remote controlled planes etc. etc. etc.
Any answers?
----------------------------------------- "In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for. As for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican." -- H. L. Mencken
Support our troops, Impeach Bush. D. D. Richards
Post #214,941
7/15/05 7:05:21 AM

Urine stains
marking the territory? Or ~ those sects who send out their young initiates in ties, to Spread the Good News to the heathens? - not ever to listen, natch - just quote The Truth.
And since we're all terrierists here - via the only definition which counts - one wonders how any 'response' could generate a few endorphins for the wretch, at all.
Must be a Latin name for this somewhere..
Post #216,722
7/27/05 8:15:32 PM

Say something I haven't heard before and I'll...
probably not notice, at this point. But if you'd done so much sooner, I might have listened. As it stands, I've long since moved on. Sometimes - like right now - I may glimpse you in my rear view mirror and give you a sardonic wave. But that's all you rate.
(And as for that, I'd have stopped to help you get your own mindset out of that ditch, but at that time, it was *you* who wouldn't listen. And you still don't.)
The Anglosphere has long since passed your flaming wreck of an ideology and is catching up to where I've been for a few years now. I'm sorry your irrelevance is so galling, but it's your own damn fault, you know.
I don't listen to you anymore. If fact, nobody who matters listens to you people anymore. Ask yourselves why.
---------------------------------------------------------------- If you don't like my posts, don't click on them. Well, pardon us for winning the election.
Post #216,745
7/28/05 1:23:34 AM

Translation: "neener neener I can't hear you neener neener"
Also, "My cock is much bigger than yours/my cock can walk right through the door"
Peter [link||Ubuntu Linux] [link||There is no K5 Cabal] [link||Home] Use P2P for legitimate purposes!
Post #216,826
8/1/05 1:42:44 PM

I don't listen to you anymore. If fact, nobody who matters listens to you people anymore. Ask yourselves why. Well if we don't matter, why are you posting here? I mean, let's get real, Marlowe.... if you aren't listening to us, what on earth makes you think anyone is still listening to you? (Note: I didn't even have to read your first post or all of your second one to reply to this.... so I sure ain't listening!) Wouldn't your time be better spent with sheeple that listen to your mindless ravings and who would follow you from pasture to pasture? Brenda
"I see little yellow butterflies fluttering round my head and hear little happy bluebirds singing overhead....all will be just fine!... Hmmmm someone get me a net!"
Post #218,893
8/11/05 6:49:40 PM

But... I need to recruit more sheeple!
Those critters hang out in the darndest places. Leave no stone unturned.
Besides, it's fun to bait the deserving losers. Think of it as payback for the sixties and seventies. Well, partial payback anyway. The real payback is undoing all the damage they did, and destroying all their carefully constructed, er, narratives, all while they're still alive to see it happen.
Blame Jimmy Carter. He was so gawdawful they'll never elect an open left winger in this country again. Even LBJ couldn't manage that trick. Took eight years of Ronald Reagan to wash the awful taste out.
---------------------------------------------------------------- If you don't like my posts, don't click on them. "The period of debate is closed. Arms, as the last resort, decide the contest." - Thomas Paine, Common Sense
Post #218,904
8/11/05 7:11:35 PM

Never say never...
He was so gawdawful they'll never elect an open left winger in this country again. Add back in another Nixon and see what gets elected.
Post #218,913
8/11/05 8:09:22 PM

Can't blame Carter
(nor could My Gramma excuse holding-on to her twistedness - by blaming the early twisters) Pre-adolescent trauma will do it every time / well, often enough to make book on.
Can't even blame Boston's site-peculiar clans of bullies, so typical of shit slums everywhere; you could have learned street-smarts then, or gone to a shrink later, before the freak-out became deeply embedded in that once-malleable jelloware.
Now of course, too late: jello-->concrete process complete. Nope, if there's blame for bein marlowesque - blong to the Fear in that faux behind faux-marlowe.
(No charge. But just this once.)
Post #218,916
8/11/05 8:23:42 PM

Re: But... I need to recruit more sheeple!
Those critters hang out in the darndest places. Leave no stone unturned. Sorry, no sheeple here to recruit... move along... nothing to see. ;) Have a nice day, Marlowe! Brenda
"Excel is to math what a Microwave Oven is to cooking!"
Post #218,921
8/11/05 8:55:33 PM

what damage did the 60's and 70's do?
read the 9th amendment slowly out loud then list all the items your beloved neocons have taken/want to take from items listed in the 9th amendment. thanx, bill
"the reason people dont buy conspiracy theories is that they think conspiracy means everyone is on the same program. Thats not how it works. Everybody has a different program. They just all want the same guy dead. Socrates was a gadfy, but I bet he took time out to screw somebodies wife" Gus Vitelli
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free american and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 49 years. meep questions, help? [link||email pappas at]
Post #218,929
8/11/05 10:29:32 PM

Why am I reminded of this?
[link||This]: And so I say to you on this occasion, as we leave, we leave proud of the people who have stood by us and worked for us and served this country.
We want you to be proud of what you have done. We want you to continue to serve in government, if that is your wish. Always give your best, never get discouraged, never be petty; always remember, others may hate you, but those who hate you don't win unless you hate them, and then you destroy yourself.
[...] And [link||this]: If there were in the world today any large number of people who desired their own happiness more than they desired the unhappiness of others, we could have a paradise in a few years. If you want to have a conversation sometime, rather than having hit-and-run arguments with straw men, we might be able to oblige. Cheers, Scott.
Post #219,034
8/12/05 12:51:42 PM

Hey Marlowe, here's some sheep for ya!
Go here:
You can get your own flock, and control them any way you like!
"Excel is to math what a Microwave Oven is to cooking!"
Post #217,115
8/2/05 5:40:29 PM

A <small>p\ufffdan</small> for Our marlowe (new thread)
Created as new thread #217114 titled [link|/forums/render/content/show?contentid=217114|A p\ufffdan for Our marlowe]
Post #214,894
7/14/05 9:56:28 PM

good article, in the 70's there was a local uproar
over allowing commonwealth members to settle in the UK. Fearing an innudation of people who contrived the Sepoy rebellion in the era of that generation's grandfathers a call was made to resist such accomidation. Unfortunately due to the direct result of Uganda's people eating dictator the brits in their kindness decided to take in these former colonees. This reaction of the extreme radical Pakistani's was predicted long ago. thanx, bill
Just call me Mr. Lynch \\
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free american and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 49 years. meep questions, help? [link||email pappas at]
Post #214,928
7/15/05 1:37:26 AM

The Marlowe Process:
<find right-wing bollocks on interweb> <cut/paste> I Say <insert droolings here> <find blog entry> <cut/paste> I Say <insert claim of proof here> <await reactions to troll> <get reactions> <fapfapfap> <go back to scanning job listings for positions for high temperature rapid comestibles operatives>
Peter [link||Ubuntu Linux] [link||There is no K5 Cabal] [link||Home] Use P2P for legitimate purposes!
Post #214,937
7/15/05 4:11:39 AM

Glad that's not a British publication
Credit the British with some intelligence, will ya. We've known the country is an Al-Qaeda base of operations for years. Destroying a secretive society first requires watching them to find who's who. The Arab culture of not harming a host can usually be relied upon. It is unfortunate that Al-Qaeda is a loose alliance and Pakistanis aren't Arabs but a fortress mentality is a losing strategy.
I'm particulary glad those articles aren't British because they don't help with anything. They claim to identify a problem but don't propose a solution. All we have is a low level incitement to hatred. Against the wrong target. Islam, like christianity, is a diverse range of cultures and philosophies and is as much responsible for the London bombings as christianity is for murdering abortion clinic doctors. (And the extremists don't even have influence in the Muslim COuncil of Britain as opposed to the christian version in the US.)
You do know Abu Hamza was kicked out his mosque by the local mullahs? The guy is preaching on the pavement. The muslims in Britain have been beleagured since the WTC destruction, so government propaganda and prominent arrests will just incite extremism. Instead, get the moderates to oppose them. And the faith between the government and the governed remains good. One or two problems will break out, of course. You want Waco instead?
Matthew Greet
Choose Life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a fucking big television, choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers. Choose good health, low cholesterol, and dental insurance. Choose fixed interest mortgage repayments. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends. Choose leisurewear and matching luggage. Choose DIY and wondering who the fuck you are on a Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing, spirit-crushing game shows, stuffing fucking junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pishing your last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked up brats you spawned to replace yourself. Choose your future. Choose life... But why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to choose life. I chose somethin' else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you've got heroin? - Mark Renton, Trainspotting.
Post #214,948
7/15/05 9:08:17 AM

+5 Insightful. Thanks.