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New waall a couple of disclaimers
Did he of his own free will Join to fight American troops explicitley? Did he renounce to an American Embassy or Official he was renouncing his citizenship? Joining the Taliban or the Israeli Army or the German Army or the Russian Army or the Fatah Brigade 17 (only) is not a crime. Joining the military of another country is not a crime. Joining the military of a group sworn to overthrow the US is. At the time of his journey to Afghanistan they were not in a status of belligerence with the US. What access did he have to news, intel or anything else that would indicate he was joining a war against his native country.
questions that need to be answered.
Gen Abraham Israeli Army
My dead buds in Rode/Zimbabwe/Chad/ my trip to Afghan land back when.
Dont let the rhetoric hit ya in the ass on the way out :)
tshirt front "born to die before I get old"
thshirt back "fscked another one didnja?"
New Precisam\ufffdnte, Box. Hypocrisy abounds in this little play.
Like I said - ya can be on My jury..

Flailing at this fucked-up juvenile outcast from Marin cutesy society (Fairfax! no less) ... for puttin his (metaphysical) money where most folks' mouth only is: is an expected Murican knee-jerk race to judgment.

Yes he mayyy.. have, at some point over there - become aware-enough of the plans of the Saudi Mafia; may even have heard of the fact of 9/11. Maybe not. But connecting his presence in a mere 'Taliban' group of the unwashed (no Lear jets there) and supposing he was some sort of active participant / 'must have' shot at American troops too (??):

That's puerile imagination: we don't know shit about this freaked-out 'joiner of a cult' - yet! (And we may hear next, only a blizzard of jingoistic spin akin to the buck-toothed Japs of WW-II.)

Yes he's "responsible" for certain choices: *just like* the Golden-parachuted CEO of Enron (and his buds and fellow bailees from the ship They Sunk).

We just don't know - WHAT he's 'responsible for' because we don't know about his actions, except: his choosing of a non-Xian! fantasy to replace his earlier Murican-approved fantasy of the world. He was captured as a member of a class: Taliban, herded into capture. Were they all 'soldiers'? Was HE? We gots to SHOW that before we kill him. Or we are ____.

We shall all get to watch this little morality play unfold in the Usual Way\ufffd, shan't we?

     John Walker warns of bioterror attacks within days - (marlowe) - (18)
         Probably propaganda... - (inthane-chan)
         Re: Should we believe him? - (Silverlock) - (16)
             Re: And posted them in code on the net :-) - (dmarker2) - (15)
                 Having no more personal info than anyone else has, - (Ashton) - (14)
                     Re: Gotta kurnfess that at first ... - (dmarker2) - (13)
                         I don't know, don't care, and it doesn't matter - (hnick) - (12)
                             He's an American citizen - (marlowe) - (11)
                                 Oh we *Will*! Red meat to keep the testosterone flowing - (Ashton) - (1)
                                     actually not a bad idea - (boxley)
                                 He's an American citizen ? - (hnick) - (8)
                                     Stripping born American citizens? - (wharris2)
                                     waall a couple of disclaimers - (boxley) - (1)
                                         Precisam\ufffdnte, Box. Hypocrisy abounds in this little play. - (Ashton)
                                     The larger issue - (marlowe) - (4)
                                         Seconded. - (Ashton)
                                         Marlowe..you may be running a tad behind... - (Simon_Jester)
                                         Response to those involved so far... - (hnick) - (1)
                                             Believe there's a natural tendency in all.. - (Ashton)

You can't polish a turd.
121 ms