Whatever else happens in the coming years, however grotesque a police state may bloom from the spores you and yours have so sedulously toiled to propagate, I will sit back and giggle as the Iraq undertaking lurches from fiasco to clusterfuck on its way to the future Islamic Republic. Likewise I'll titter as neighboring Iran finishes its first generation of nuclear weapons (as they damned well should—the new administration there would stand guilty of malpractice if it did not immediately put its R&D people on triple-shifts) while the US is stretched too thin to present a credible disincentive. Most of all I'll savor the gymnastics that events will require of you if you are to continue to appear here every six weeks to bray that our intervention is going swimmingly. At some point your virtual spine will snap with a crack audible even to you, and I trust that I'll be here to sing along with the event.
[edit: rogue "ago"]