What's the shelf-life of hard disks?
My backup requirements are for about 60gig, most of which isn't going to change over time. Music files. At the moment I'm tightrope walking without a net, ie my data isn't exactly backed up. Should I need to recover it, it just means a revisit to all my CDs and a massive re-rip and re-encode option.
(I guess shold the worst happen it would give me the opportunity to re-encode all the ones I did using Blade many years ago...)
Anyway, I think in this case the cheapest backup method is buying a 60 gig hard drive, copying everything over to it, and sticking it in a safe place somewhere. I don't have any detail on how modern hard drives cope with looong periods of inactivity, but it's sounding like an alright backup system to me. Not to mention very fast, and very easy. Even if a shelved HD only lasts a few years, how much is 60 gig of storage going to cost in five years time?
So, how dumb is it? Sure, I haven't given it a lot of thought, but the answer so far seems to be 'not very'.
Of course, I may be missing something.
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and on and on and on goes John.