IWETHEY v. 0.3.0 | TODO
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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New Stay the extra day
The morning drive back to the airport is a killer.
New I'm leaning that way
I have come to believe that idealism without discipline is a quick road to disaster, while discipline without idealism is pointless. -- Aaron Ward (my brother)
     It looks like I'm going to make beep's this year! - (ben_tilly) - (25)
         Outside of "Yay!"? - (imric) - (7)
             I'll be there 2nd-4th - (pwhysall) - (5)
                 I hope you plan on checking out Philly... - (imric) - (1)
                     Re: I hope you plan on checking out Philly... - (pwhysall)
                 If other people will be there on the 3rd... - (ben_tilly) - (2)
                     We'll be there then, but... - (admin) - (1)
                         give her the keys and a map -NT - (boxley)
             have rented a car, leaving on 29th - (boxley)
         Well if it helps...the neighbors are different - (bepatient) - (10)
             !Woo and !Yay -NT - (drewk)
             Happy 4th of Meow -NT - (ChrisR)
             It helps, but I'm not sure which way... - (ben_tilly) - (7)
                 dont forget the lag effect - (boxley) - (6)
                     Not only did I remember that but... - (ben_tilly) - (5)
                         dang bassackwards agin - (boxley)
                         Beep's coffee could help _that_ - (imric) - (3)
                             I prefer the new icon -NT - (ben_tilly) - (2)
                                 Ia Ia shub-niggurath zippididoodah day! - (imric) - (1)
                                     lookth like a thick Thok thock boxth, Thonny ____:-\ufffdth -NT - (Ashton)
         Stay the extra day - (broomberg) - (1)
             I'm leaning that way -NT - (ben_tilly)
         Wish I could go - (lister) - (3)
             dont rock the boat - (boxley) - (1)
                 Gah! - (lister)
             It is one of those: - (folkert)

Moo. It's what's for dinner.
39 ms