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New Logic alone?
Or logic at all? You accuse ME of sophistry? *chuckle* SO - when reason doesn't work to support a view, that means the logic must not apply? And that if logic or reason is used in discussion I support "Economists ruling the world: like Right Now"?
Everyone goes on leave there. Everyone has the same er leader, on/off base.

Uh-huh. So, tell me. When did you go in for cultural imperialism, Ash? You ARE, after all, insisting that our values, mores, and laws should be applicable to Americans living in 'furrin' countries, aren't you (or is it just Muslim countries)? Our laws and customs should be binding upon whatever country we happen to be in at the time? Oh - Maybe it's OK to respect other quaint customs as long as we approve of thier culture overall, right?
all the BS in Afg. today! is about the denunciation of Fundamentalist repressive regimes

Funny, I thought it was 'about' ending the threat of terrorism, and the threat it holds for US citizens. Gee, if it IS the war of cultural imperialism that you hope for, we should just take over, rather than leave those durn A-rabs in charge - they'll only continue on the path that thier culture has set them on, after all. Under our benighn guidance, I'm sure that they would take to western culture, even if we have to shove it down thier throats. Hey - and that would end terrorism, too, right?
Too bad there are so few FEMALES in IT - you guys have no empathy WhatSoEver -- even about Murican Puritocracy -- and not even when, as here: it bites you on HER ass.

Now I have to say, Ash - you are completely full of it. I think you may want to rethink your classification IT 'types' into those old cartoonish stereotypes.

Personally, I think the treatment of women 'over there' is deplorable. I would support whatever trade sanctions or other political solutions used to ameliorate and eventually eliminate the plight of women in the Middle East - but I do NOT think that we have some international imperative or right to suspend cultural mores, laws or regulations just because we happen to be there! As to the EMPATHY statement - ya know what? I have empathy, but little sympathy. SHE'S A SOLDIER. SHE DOES UNPLEASANT THINGS for a LIVING. She could be required to live in a muddy trench for months at a time (the uniform would be ruined - that might undermine her authority, since that comes from what she's wearing according to you anyway)- and THAT'S OK, but wearing clothes required by the culture and law of the 'indigenes' when off base is out of the question?

No, Ash. The time for her protests is not during a time of war. If she is so offended, let her apply for a transfer. Oh - that might damage her career, though - and it is the duty of whatever people we happen to be 'protecting' to adjust to our presence and support our own cultural imperatives. And if foreign policy seems to require our presence in a country where the individuals within the military are not treated in a manner that can disregard the laws and mores of those poor barbaric indigenes, well foreign policy must take a back seat to your American Principle of cultural imperialism.


Imric's Tips for Living
  • Paranoia Is a Survival Trait
  • Pessimists are never disappointed - but sometimes, if they are very lucky, they can be pleasantly surprised...
  • Even though everyone is out to get you, it doesn't matter unless you let them win.
New Piffle
She's saying that she is required to wear a burkha when other females in Government service are not. The local culture argument is beside the point and a red herring.
When I visit the aquarium, the same thought keeps running through my mind;
Leemmmooonnn, Buuttteerrr, MMMmmmmmm good!
New *chortle*

Imric's Tips for Living
  • Paranoia Is a Survival Trait
  • Pessimists are never disappointed - but sometimes, if they are very lucky, they can be pleasantly surprised...
  • Even though everyone is out to get you, it doesn't matter unless you let them win.
New Not quite.
Servicewomen are required, but not any "other federal employees".

It'd be interessting to see how many federal employees there are over there that aren't in the service. And it says nothing about whether those "others" are even women.

So...its not as "beside the point" as you would like it to be.
You were born...and so you're free...so Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson

New anti-piffle
Just did a little googling trying to find some kind of number for federal female employees in Saudi Arabia. Nothing. Some anecdotal evidence suggests that the Saudi law requiring foreign females to dress in traditional garb is honored more in the breach than in strict adherence to the law. Overall however, I can find nothing backing her assertion that only federal servicewomen are required to dress in this manner.

So, I retract my "piffle" comment.

BTW, I found a most interesting draft analysis from the Center for Strategic and International Studies

Center for Strategic and International Studies
1800 K Street N.W.
Washington, DC 20006
(202) 775-3270
Islamic Extremism in Saudi Arabia
and the Attack on Al Khobar
Review Draft \ufffd Circulated for Comment
Anthony H. Cordesman
Arleigh A. Burke Chair in Strategy
June 2001

This draft analysis is be circulated for comment as part of the CSIS
\ufffdSaudi Arabia Enters the 21 st Century Project.\ufffd It will be
extensively revised before final publication.
Those interested in commenting, or in participating in the project,
should contact Anthony H. Cordesman at the address shown on the
cover sheet at Acordesman@aol.com.
This draft is copyright. It may be referenced, or quoted at lengths
of less than one page, with proper attribution to the author and
CSIS, and to the fact it is a draft document.

Lot's of background and thoughtful analysis. A coherent read without obfuscating languge [link|http://www.csis.org/burke/saudi21/saudi_alkhobar.pdf|Here].
When I visit the aquarium, the same thought keeps running through my mind;
Leemmmooonnn, Buuttteerrr, MMMmmmmmm good!
New Reinstate it - BeeP (of all people) corroborated it!
Just did a little googling trying to find some kind of number for federal female employees in Saudi Arabia. Nothing.
BeeP found it for you. From his linked [link|http://www.usatoday.com/news/washdc/2001-04-24-mcsally.htm|article:]
The State Department policy ... "Embassy women are not expected to wear...
Apparently there are at least SOME women in U.S. federal employ in Saudi Arabia, and they are NOT required to wear sacks.

Furthermore, from that article, what major McSally suggested seems to have been not that she be allowed to run around in halter-tops or bikinis, but "that women should be able to wear their uniforms on official business and dress in long pants and long-sleeve shirts when off-duty".

Oh yeah, and she isn't there Attacking A Son Of Saudi for purely US-egotistic reasons -- well, at least not officially -- either, but "flew her A-10 Warthog jet 100 hours over southern Iraq enforcing the no-fly zone [, and] now runs search and rescue for that operation"; i.e, she is -- at least officially -- there on *their* request, defending *them* from Big Bad Saddam.

Does it *still* seem reasonable to anyone that they be allowed not only to shelter under the wing of her country's generous protection, but also to impose their disgusting old superstitions on her while she goes about providing that very protection for them? If so, then how the fuck do you define "reasonable"?!?

Actually, it seems to me BeeP found total corroboration for his opponents' original view, and rebuttal for his own... Big of ya to post it, Bill! :-)
   Christian R. Conrad
The Man Who Knows Fucking Everything
New Yup.
And I must say after reading about the State Dept. and Saudi policies, the US military does seem more restrictive than necessary. I agree that it doesn't seem fair, and it sounds like the military is being arbitrary. I don't know what sort of deal was cut for/about our presence there, either. Having foreign military on your soil just might be considered a big deal... I don't know whether or not it entered into negotiations at all or not, though. Unless I hear/find out more about it, I would have to say that she might have a point, and as long as she's not disobeying orders, she is justified in taking this through the appropriate channels. If the Saudis do not require it, why should the military, after all? Of course, if the Saudis DO require it, all I said before still stands.

Imric's Tips for Living
  • Paranoia Is a Survival Trait
  • Pessimists are never disappointed - but sometimes, if they are very lucky, they can be pleasantly surprised...
  • Even though everyone is out to get you, it doesn't matter unless you let them win.
New not really...
The State Department policy, updated in an embassy memo last August, says men and women should dress conservatively. Women, it says, should wear long dresses and avoid trousers.

It adds, "Embassy women are not expected to wear abayas when out on official business. ... The guidance issued by the Saudi Embassy in Washington states that non-Muslim women are not required to wear an abaya but should dress conservatively" when in public, including loose-fitting dresses draped well below the knees with long sleeves and a high neckline.

The memo notes that some Western women, especially those living in the more conservative areas such as Riyadh, wear an abaya "in order to avoid harassment" by the mutawa. Even so, "harassment still occurs," the memo says.

Of course...bold added to highlight the appropriate section.
You were born...and so you're free...so Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson

New Seems it only notes that they DO; doesn't say HAVE TO.
And, "wear an abaya 'in order to avoid harassment' by the mutawa. Even so, 'harassment still occurs,' the memo says"?!?

So you are saying she should be *forced*, _by her own superiors_, to go out of her way and humiliate herself -- in order to avoid APPARENTLY _NON_-SANCTIONED "harassment" from an out-of-control organ of the very state she's there to help defend?

Wouldn't it make more sense for those superiors to say, "She's a US soldier here to defend you country. Since you seem to have 'issues' with clothing, we'll order all our soldiers (male as well as female) to wear uniform -- an outfit that clearly states this is a member of your greatest ally's military, here defending YOU on YOUR request -- at all times, on duty as well as off."?

And then add, under their breath, "So reign in your fuckwit 'mutawa', or bear the consequences: if they DARE to harass a member of your greatest ally's military, here defending YOU on YOUR request, then they'll be treated just like any other rag-head in the world that pisses us off."

The fact that they're NOT already saying exactly that (which has nothing at all to do with Saudian oil, oh no, nooo...) is why America is seen as such a gigantic hypocrite by the world. If only you guys could get your act together and act a little more consistently, I'm sure at least a lot more Europeans would respect you a little more -- and, heck, for all I know, so would probably quite a few rag-heads, too!
   Christian R. Conrad
The Man Who Knows Fucking Everything
New So you are all in favor...
...of our continued lack of respect for other cultures.

Thats cool.

I'm not.
I've seen "ugly American" syndrome. I'm not a big fan.

When were you indoctrinated into different cultures? When was a 2nd language demanded of you?

We used to be able to afford ignorance...because so many of us stayed within our borders. Now its a penalty...and a very big problem.

And this kind of crap just makes that issue more pronounced.
You were born...and so you're free...so Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson

New Nice two step
Elegantly side stepping the point there Beep. Instead of addressing the issue that only the military female employees are ordered to wear a sack, you bring up the ugly american argument. Slick. Hard to defend against when it isn't the point that was being discussed originally. The State Department itself has guidelines for dress that are less restrictive than the military orders.

Dress. Although Westerners have some leeway in dress and social contacts within company residential compounds, both men and women should dress conservatively in public. Women's clothing should be loose fitting and concealing, with high necks, skirts worn well below the knee, and sleeves below the elbow. It is recommended that women not wear pants.


From what I remember of dress uniforms, they should fit the bill. Of course, work uniforms don't make it, the "no pants" guideline rules that out.

The thing is, I agree with a lot of what you say, but the way you belittled and ridiculed the pilot trying to change what she sees as unfair treatment does you no credit.
When I visit the aquarium, the same thought keeps running through my mind;
Leemmmooonnn, Buuttteerrr, MMMmmmmmm good!
New Upthread
[link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=20954|My previous post] where even the State Department recommends wearing the "sack" in the Riyadh area...where the military compound just happens to be located.
You were born...and so you're free...so Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson

New Yeah. And?
I read it. Recommend vs. order. You still did the logic two step in the post I was responding to.
When I visit the aquarium, the same thought keeps running through my mind;
Leemmmooonnn, Buuttteerrr, MMMmmmmmm good!
New You're making Marlowe's mistake: Conflating...
...Multiculturalism/Cultural Diversity with Moral Relativism; only, you're making it in reverse, compared to him. Where he needlessly blasts "Multiculturalism" because he abhors Moral Relativism, you are allowing Moral Relativism out of a needless zeal to promote Cultural Diversity.

If only you -- both of you -- could see that they aren't the same thing, maybe you'd realize it's possible (and just and good and righteous too, BTW) to defend the one and at the same time condemn the other.

(And no, I *don't* mean defend Moral Relativism and condemn Cultural Diversity! :-)


Oh yes, almost forgot: At age five, as I'd think you very well know. Why -- what does it have to do with anything?
   Christian R. Conrad
The Man Who Knows Fucking Everything
     Does anyone else think... - (bepatient) - (57)
         (giggles) Nice change. But back to topic, - (wharris2) - (1)
             When in Rome, do as the Romans do. - (nking)
         Takes just one test case.. - (Ashton) - (39)
             The problem is... - (jb4)
             And just how... - (bepatient) - (37)
                 Dunno if I can put it in teerms simple enough for Econ. - (Ashton) - (36)
                     Weird - (bepatient)
                     Sure...fine...whatever. - (bepatient) - (34)
                         Of course she is. - (Ashton) - (27)
                             Presumption - (imric) - (26)
                                 comfort? utter BS. - (Ashton) - (25)
                                     Get this. - (imric) - (24)
                                         These are quite 'special' circumstances. - (Ashton) - (23)
                                             Insolent? - (imric) - (20)
                                                 Ah how EZ it would all be if.. logic alone were enough! - (Ashton) - (14)
                                                     Logic alone? - (imric) - (13)
                                                         Piffle - (Silverlock) - (12)
                                                             *chortle* -NT - (imric)
                                                             Not quite. - (bepatient) - (10)
                                                                 anti-piffle - (Silverlock) - (9)
                                                                     Reinstate it - BeeP (of all people) corroborated it! - (CRConrad) - (8)
                                                                         Yup. - (imric)
                                                                         not really... - (bepatient) - (6)
                                                                             Seems it only notes that they DO; doesn't say HAVE TO. - (CRConrad) - (5)
                                                                                 So you are all in favor... - (bepatient) - (4)
                                                                                     Nice two step - (Silverlock) - (2)
                                                                                         Upthread - (bepatient) - (1)
                                                                                             Yeah. And? - (Silverlock)
                                                                                     You're making Marlowe's mistake: Conflating... - (CRConrad)
                                                 Hey Maggie! - (Ashton) - (4)
                                                     Hey Ash! - (slugbug) - (3)
                                                         Thanks. - (Ashton) - (2)
                                                             not 100% - (slugbug) - (1)
                                                                 Well, then, start a new topic. - (Andrew Grygus)
                                             Even easier solution. - (Brandioch) - (1)
                                                 "The play's the thing wherein we'll catch the conscience of - (Ashton)
                         Third option: - (mhuber) - (3)
                             That would be the Decent, the Honorable, the American thing - (Ashton) - (2)
                                 And I suspect - (mhuber) - (1)
                                     Thanks, Mike.__ Al punte, as usual. - (Ashton)
                         Two thoughts comes to mind.... - (Simon_Jester) - (1)
                             Third: What (?) do we 'Stand For' _...if anything at all (?) -NT - (Ashton)
         [OT]Ad on the page... - (inthane-chan)
         Fine point - (tuberculosis) - (2)
             In that case - (nking) - (1)
                 Yes You Can, Norm - (Ashton)
         having met some AF wimmen it may give a renewal of the term - (boxley) - (6)
             Maybe glamour + toughness aren't a common mix; and for sure, - (Ashton) - (5)
                 Re: Maybe glamour + toughness aren't a common mix; and for s - (wharris2) - (4)
                     No need for 'Duck' if that were his meaning (?) - (Ashton) - (3)
                         As the Huron said to his soup, e tu Brule? - (boxley) - (2)
                             Yeah well, I figure in any *real* misogynist situation, - (Ashton) - (1)
                                 define "underdog" :) -NT - (boxley)
         Take from the Soapbox - (bepatient) - (3)
             More info - (bepatient)
             It becomes more apparent that, the State Dept. presumes its - (Ashton) - (1)
                 No...actually... - (bepatient)

Hitotsu, futatsu, mittsu, yottsu.
275 ms