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New Tips on rejecting interview candidates?
In our never ending drive towards massive parallelism and self service HR has decided that they will no longer call candidates to reject them. It is now up to the hiring manager. (At this rate, I expect eventually to have to write the books we sell)

Got any tips on how to do a nice rejection phone call?

"Whenever you find you are on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect"   --Mark Twain

"The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them."   --Albert Einstein

"This is still a dangerous world. It's a world of madmen and uncertainty and potential mental losses."   --George W. Bush
New That assumes "a nice rejection call" exists.
I'm dubious. But I'll watch this thread if anyone comes up with one.

Eine Leute. Eine Welt. Ein F\ufffdhrer.
God Bless America.
New Bad
You better get your corporate approved spiel, and STICK TO IT!

You are walking a very fine line between saying to little (which then hurts your conscience, assuming you have one), and saying to much, which then gives them something legal to come back at you with.

Either way, YOU take the bullet when something bad happens.

Without training and legal guidance, you are walking a minefield with no map.

Don't push back, since you are not a team player if you do, but make sure you get the support you need.
New Keep it simple
"Thank you for applying for the position of x. I'm sorry, but we have selected another candidate to fill the position."

Don't answer any questions regarding why.
A good friend will come and bail you out of jail ... but, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Damn...that was fun!"
New no rejection phone call! Nice blah letter expressing thanks
for the interest, thats all or nasty legal things will result.
All tribal myths are true, for a given value of "true" Terry Pratchett

Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free american and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 48 years. meep
questions, help? [link|mailto:pappas@catholic.org|email pappas at catholic.org]
New When are they going to...
...call and say they will no longer do pre-screening and all of the other aspects of hiring.

Thats an effed up policy they have...my friend.

I would certainly make them approve any and all >written< candidate rejections before they are sent. Just to be a p.i.t.a. back.
If you push something hard enough, it will fall over. Fudd's First Law of Opposition

New *evil grin*
A good way to fight the Catberts...
Imric's Tips for Living
  • Paranoia Is a Survival Trait
  • Pessimists are never disappointed - but sometimes, if they are very lucky, they can be pleasantly surprised...
  • Even though everyone is out to get you, it doesn't matter unless you let them win.

Nothing is as simple as it seems in the beginning,
As hopeless as it seems in the middle,
Or as finished as it seems in the end.

New Re: When are they going to...
"...call and say they will no longer do pre-screening and all of the other aspects of hiring."

Hmmm, we already do much of that ourselves. OK, some of it. Seems HR is going to focus more on "sourcing" for awhile. It is possible to do our own sourcing - I get a feed of resumes submitted to the website, pop the ones I like into tracking system and ask HR to make appts for screeing.

"Whenever you find you are on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect"   --Mark Twain

"The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them."   --Albert Einstein

"This is still a dangerous world. It's a world of madmen and uncertainty and potential mental losses."   --George W. Bush
New Sorry, the position has been filled.
While you're at it, can you ask HR to do your job while you are doing theirs?
"In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for. As for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican."
-- H. L. Mencken

Support our troops, Impeach Bush.
D. D. Richards
New Make it short and sweet
I would disagree with everyone else. Say something like this, "I regret to inform you that you were not selected."

In response to any questions about details. "Sorry, it is against policy for me to answer that."

Don't say that someone else got hired. Because someone else might not have been. You might still be looking. And the candidate may see the ad for that position again and get upset.

Volunteer nothing except the barest of bare facts.

I have come to believe that idealism without discipline is a quick road to disaster, while discipline without idealism is pointless. -- Aaron Ward (my brother)
New I agree; but wouldn't a letter like that be better?
New Probably, but don't know the policy on that
Todd asked specifically about a rejection phone call. There may be a policy about that. Otherwise a letter is easier.

I have come to believe that idealism without discipline is a quick road to disaster, while discipline without idealism is pointless. -- Aaron Ward (my brother)
New When they interview in person they rate a phone call
failing phone screens gets you a letter.

I ended up leaving a voice mail thanking him for making the trip, mentioning that the team enjoyed meeting him, we'll keep resume on file and if anything more suitable comes up blah blah blah.

We really do keep all contacts on file - consequently it doesn't do a lot of good to submit again if you got far enough to actually get rejected (rather than ignored) because we just find your previous interview notes read those.

"Whenever you find you are on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect"   --Mark Twain

"The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them."   --Albert Einstein

"This is still a dangerous world. It's a world of madmen and uncertainty and potential mental losses."   --George W. Bush
Expand Edited by tuberculosis Aug. 21, 2007, 05:41:10 AM EDT
New Bizness: as candid with 'people' as___Your Government.
New Re: Make it short and sweet
Leading with a "Thank you for coming and and talking with us" is a nice touch, and a gentle signal that the news to follow isn't good.
New What took them so long?

HR has decided that they will no longer call candidates to reject them

Hell, in my years I've gotten maybe one rejection phone call or letter per 25 interviews at the minimum; in my searches for the last 3 positions I've gotten NO RESPONSE WHATSOEVER from the companies. The recruiters I went through didn't get any feedback from the companies either; we just gave up waiting to here something from them and looked elsewhere.

Be like every other company in America today - just ignore those you've passed over.
"Until the revolution, we are only useful for our private information and our money."
[link|mailto:bconnors@ev1.net|contact me]
New Passed over is one thing
If you are engaged in an interview (rather than simply submitting a resume and being ignored), then you ought to get some feedback on how your interview went.

"Whenever you find you are on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect"   --Mark Twain

"The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them."   --Albert Einstein

"This is still a dangerous world. It's a world of madmen and uncertainty and potential mental losses."   --George W. Bush
Expand Edited by tuberculosis Aug. 21, 2007, 05:41:15 AM EDT
New Rejection call? What's that?
I've never had one...

The closest thing I've ever got was a word from recruioter when I called him a month later: "yeah, they changed the job description, so your background was no longer suitable". Otherwise the companies simply get very quiet.


179. I will not outsource core functions.

     Tips on rejecting interview candidates? - (tuberculosis) - (17)
         That assumes "a nice rejection call" exists. - (mmoffitt)
         Bad - (broomberg)
         Keep it simple - (jbrabeck)
         no rejection phone call! Nice blah letter expressing thanks - (boxley)
         When are they going to... - (bepatient) - (2)
             *evil grin* - (imric)
             Re: When are they going to... - (tuberculosis)
         Sorry, the position has been filled. - (Silverlock)
         Make it short and sweet - (ben_tilly) - (5)
             I agree; but wouldn't a letter like that be better? -NT - (Another Scott) - (2)
                 Probably, but don't know the policy on that - (ben_tilly)
                 When they interview in person they rate a phone call - (tuberculosis)
             Bizness: as candid with 'people' as___Your Government. -NT - (Ashton)
             Re: Make it short and sweet - (dws)
         What took them so long? - (lincoln) - (1)
             Passed over is one thing - (tuberculosis)
         Rejection call? What's that? - (Arkadiy)

And to the tune of a billion dollars I supplied to the DOE some tasty little nuggets of alien technology... and as one might expect I've been HARASSED for YEARS!
181 ms