I hed ebooot un huoor ooff UPS. Thees theeng lest qooeete-a a vheele-a lunger. Qooeete-a. Vell et leest nutheeng soospeeciuoos ceme-a ooff it.

Zeey hed tu reset zee ixpluseefes oon zee 3 phese-a deescunnect thet sooppleeed zee vhule-a indoostreeel perk. Zeere-a ves a Trunsffurmer fure-a et zee pooer steshun. Zeey sveetched thet oone-a oofer tu zee reserfe-a und feenished a vheele-a egu.

<translation>I had about an hour of UPS. This thing lasted quite a while longer. Quite. Well at least nothing suspicious came of it.

They had to reset the explosives on the 3 phase disconnect that supplied the whole industrial park. There was a Transformer fire at the power station. They switched that one over to the reserve and finished a while ago.</translation>