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New Interview with Seymour Hersh

"In one case -- after I did Abu Ghraib, I got a bunch of digital pictures emailed me, and \ufffd was a lot of work on it, and I decided, well, we can talk about it later. You never know why you do things. You have some general rules, but in this case, a bunch of kids were going along in three vehicles. One of them got blown up. The other two units -- soldiers ran out, saw some people running, opened up fire. It was a bunch of boys playing soccer. And in the digital videos you see everybody standing around, they pull the bodies together. This is last summer. They pull the bodies together. You see the body parts, the legs and boots of the Americans pulling bodies together. Young kids, I don\ufffdt know how old, 13, 15, I guess. And then you see soldiers dropping R.P.G.'s, which are rocket-launched grenades around them. And then they're called in as an insurgent kill. It's a kill of, you know, would-be insurgents or resistance and it goes into the computers, and I'm sure it's briefed. Everybody remembers how My Lai was briefed as a great victory, \ufffd128 Vietcong killed.\ufffd And so you have that pattern again. You know, ask me why I didn't do this story. Because I didn't think the kids did murder. I think it was another day in the war."

Just another day speading democracy.
New Just another day spreading rumors
His last report of the "massacre" of Iraqi security guards was never substantiated either.


179. I will not outsource core functions.

     Interview with Seymour Hersh - (dmcarls) - (1)
         Just another day spreading rumors - (Arkadiy)

This just in, kid: the mere fact that it's written down and believed in by millions of simpletons does not make something true.
46 ms