You rang?
If we work up slips that say 'admit one' and print them, perhaps selling the pdf on a web-site...
As long as you print a disclaimer that the 'ticket' is for available seating, and that seating can be denied for any reason, is subject to 'first come, first served', and disclaims resposibility for being unable to get a seat...
But no.
That would be DISHONEST!
[link|http://panhandler.refers.to|Got a Dollar]?
[link|http://cluex4.refers.to|Buy a Clue]!
You rang?
If we work up slips that say 'admit one' and print them, perhaps selling the pdf on a web-site...
As long as you print a disclaimer that the 'ticket' is for available seating, and that seating can be denied for any reaso, is subject to 'first come, first served', and disclaims resposibility for being unable to get a seat...
But no.
That would be DISHONEST!