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New Yes
That's the short answer, now for the long answer. 8]

I had 4.5.2 up and running anyway before I downgraded to 4.5.1. I've had them running on a Debian sarge using debian's 2.6.8 kernel. The only real problem with the setup is it won't "find" the vmware modules it builds during configuration after I reboot. So I just re-run the config script every time I boot in order to rebuild and reload the modules. It's an annoyance, but I don't reboot very often anyway.

I had to downgrade to 4.5.1 has 4.5.2 has some serious problems with the Linux scsi support inside a guest OS. Certain scsi commands would crash vmware. If guest Linux images only use IDE emulated drives, you shouldn't have a problem. I needed the scsi support to work in my test setup so back to 4.5.1 I went.

Dave "LordBeatnik"
New Thanks.
I'm only planning on having toy o/s's (read Microsoft Desktop o/s's) w/IDE support in my vm's so 4.5.2 prolly won't be a problem.

Eine Leute. Eine Welt. Ein F\ufffdhrer.
God Bless America.
     Debianistas, gotta Q. - (mmoffitt) - (4)
         /me points at Scott A. -NT - (pwhysall)
         /me runs a version of VMware - (folkert)
         Yes - (lordbeatnik) - (1)
             Thanks. - (mmoffitt)

Can bitching and moaning atone?
47 ms