I think it will won't do to see what America is like a few months from now. It must be under constant scrutiny from now on. That is going to be difficult for the pols to get right. We could nail bin Laden and his 70 virgin boys and the threat recede for a few years. But that would only make the next strike bigger and most costly. And there will be a next strike, we just walked over there and took their country away from them...Allah will demand retribution...I can hear the voices speaking to them now....as I'm sure those loonie toons already do. Those bastards are trying to get ahold of dirty nukes. One of them set off under NYC would kill millions. Then there are our own right wing religious nuts...I wouldn't mind some extra scrutiny of those bozos.
I think there is a big difference between surveillence and McCarthy trials. It is the latter that is loathsome, the former is merely bothersome. It would be nice for the U.S. to blissfully ignore surveillence of suspect groups. But I do not see where that is possible anymore.
Billy Graham's son had an editorial in the Wall Street Journal explaining his recent statements about Islam being evil. To read it in his own words is much better than the spin the media put on it. His premise is that Islam is not really a peaceful religion, it is exclusionary and promotes an us vs. them attitude. He contrasted that with Christianity's precepts, I'll ignore for the sake of argument some of its adherent's policies since they are misuses.
Salman Rushdie made a similar argument, Thomas Friedman made a similar argument, a unnamed editorial letter to a Pakistani newspaper made a similar argument. I think that given there is a whole religion devoted to annihilation of "kafirs", and that is exactly the implication Islam points to, means that these fucks are going to be with us for a long, long time. Our only recourse right now, it seems to me, is to push over the stupid regimes in Saudi Arabia and Egypt and let the light back in on those festering swamps.