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New Does OSX have a "Find"?
I can rarely find things on this Mac (it's really my wife's).

But, in Finder, File -> Find... works very nicely. I'd think there's something like that under OSX.

Need to unfriendly parts of this. :-) Made me laugh.

Good luck!

New Sherlock, or the command line
Sherlock has a file find function, with similar functionality to the Windoze one.

Or, bring up a command line and do a find . | grep whatever
(Plenty of ways to write a find statement, but that one's gooe enough for me)

On and on and on and on,
and on and on and on goes John.
New too pissed to think straight
and couldnt remember the folder name. Will try to see how 744 works on linked bins like appleworks.
tshirt front "born to die before I get old"
thshirt back "fscked another one didnja?"
     OSX rocks compared to xPee - (boxley) - (10)
         Neato. Hope you'll be able to feed the LRPD monster. - (Another Scott) - (9)
             mount gay rum key limes and lrpd :) -NT - (boxley)
             Same position, sort of... - (screamer) - (7)
                 Sonnett says no go on my machine, yet. - (Another Scott)
                 been running OSX since friday the only problem - (boxley) - (5)
                     Does OSX have a "Find"? - (Another Scott) - (2)
                         Sherlock, or the command line - (Meerkat) - (1)
                             too pissed to think straight - (boxley)
                     Ummm... Clarification please... - (screamer) - (1)
                         screamer, verb consisting of loud reaming :) -NT - (boxley)

I invited her up to my place for a little midnight bait. I said, "Come on, baby. It'll only take a few minnows." She threw me that same old line: "Not tonight, I've got a haddock."
40 ms