Megatokyo is a gamer comic that this heavily influenced by anime and that kind of stuff. It's ridiculously successful and its fanbase is rabid.
Once upon a time, before I knew it existed, I ran a strip that was a play off of the "does anybody speak jive?" joke in Airplane (substituting it with "does anybody speak 1337?") Little did I know that very early in Megatokyo they used the exact same gag, only it was actually on an airplane (so it was a much closer parody).
The guys who were doing the strip (there were two at the time, now there's just Fred Gallagher) didn't particularly care -- they thought it was kind of funny we both ran the same gag -- but I got more than a few angry emails from rabid fans accusing me of craven plagarism.
Anyway. The experience still makes me twitch.