Don't mind me....

I hate stupid dumb publishers who don't think about the poor consumer who just wants a blasted BOOK! You know, the kind you can feel, touch, caress and keep!

I am so sick of "only available exclusively as an e-book... E book! EEEEEEE-BOOOKKKKK it's enough to make you EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK for WEEKS!!! AUUUUGH!

As an avid collector of wonderfully preserved (where possible), colorful, shiny-paged Star Wars Art books and Script Books, for them to put the script book ONLY available on E-book for this new movie (coming out May 19th), is just blasphemous!!!!!! I mean come on, don't they care that our frackin collections will be fucked up and lacking when we have five script books on the shelf and then what??????? EXCUUUUUUUUSE me Mr. Pubic-haired, publically stupid Publisher, but you just don't have a COTTON PICKIN' CLUE TO THIS situation!!!!!!!!

I want a FREAKIN PAPER copy of the Revenge of the Sith Script book, and I don't care HOW many HAPPY TREES have to die for it!!!!!!!!!!

It's almost enough to turn an Owl to the Dark Side......

Owls are pissssssed..... don't mind them.
