> needs to create a tmp table then slices and dices until complete, then writes > the index to disk? maybe?
It seemed that it created an EXACT copy of the data files that it
was supposed to index. It created them in the same
dirs that the originals were in. It then ran out of tmp space in /tmp
and the index failed. It then deleted all the copy files. Ya know, If I
really cared, I could read the source. I don't care that much.
Actually, I might, now that I think about it.
I've set the /tmp to be in the large partition, and I've pumped
up all the various memory related parameters, I've got 1GB in
this box.
> Is informix/sybase more price compat than oracle? informix is faster than
> oracle last time I
Nah, Informix of a certain class is faster, and it costs more.
I had the Informix people pitching me last month. And the lesser
Informix is REAL slow.
Sybase is seen as a corpse that hasn't figured it out yet. I
wouldn't get a dime for trying.
No commercial alternatives allowed. If I can't figure it
out via MySQL or PostGreSQL, it'll be Oracle.
But I really think that a dual CPU Linux box with MySQL will be plenty
fast enough, once I've set it up right. I'm loading the data for
the 4th time, after blowing it away trying varous alternatives.
Since it loads in 1/2 hour, it is worth testing variations.
Does anyone know of a Solaris like iostat for Linux. The
one in the mpstat package is nasty. I want to see MB/s
and Service time, but this one makes me think in blocks
or sectors. Of course, I COULD hack it.