My simple little mind figures that, Owlet has survived the initial gantlet (in which I also participated) and that ordeal earns her a certain Right not be re-ridiculed casually, for possessing so few of the magniloquent 'talents' of this odd-lot group of sometimes Prima donnas.
That's where you and I disagree - if its simple you're really after.
So make your mind up: Am I the big bad \ufffdber-flamer who scared away Doug, or am I an "acolyte of kiddie boards" who is "losing it"? Explain in simple words -- if you know any -- how I can be both.I shouldn't be surprised that you cannot imagine how (say..) you might be both toothless and also a litmus of sorts. But since I didn't ask Doug directly his reasons for seceding, and our conversations are rarely about IWE topics, anyway: I can only infer that it mattered to him that, nobody else troubled to interrupt your gramps-tirade, either sanely or sarcastically.
Tacit can seem to signal agreement, and that's why I regret not responding to gut instinct immediately, even if butting-in. You want it in simple words, do you? This is as 'simple' as it gets concerning other people's jelloware. Now parse that to meaninglessness, why not?
As to shut-the-fuck-up: you could do with some practice, just before you're contemplating stuffing someone into another nice simple logical pigeonhole. I sometimes wonder if you actually imagine that human 'reason' is reducible to some fucking logical table; I had thought that you were smarter than that. But then, you're getting older; good reminder for me to watch someday for symptoms like .. oversimplification, too.
But even if you're an aging crank, I still love you. Agap\ufffdistically speaking.:-)