Despite all those months you surely spent as acolyte at alt.flame, I believe I have heard most of your repertoire or seen it on kiddie boards of the past, and there haven't been any originals for a long while. Seems you're losing it, sonny.That's "grandson" to you, O senile one.
Your 'gramps'-fixation was last trotted out for a pedantically excessive rip-job on an associate of long tenure here: at least as long as yours. He chose to disappear not long after, perhaps because nobody else chimed in to smack-down the Master of snap-judgments? (Must be a coincidence though, as I doubt he feerd your practised automatic screeds any more than do I.)So make your mind up: Am I the big bad Über-flamer who scared away Doug, or am I an "acolyte of kiddie boards" who is "losing it"? Explain in simple words -- if you know any -- how I can be both.
As to present gratuitous vivisection of Owl and her milieu, methinks the smug nastiness is overdone. Yet again. Entirely irrelevant, what You Think ought to be the social compact twixt these two (were they merely Half as Brilliant as Thee\ufffd) - hers was a simple request for info about fixing a fucking car part, not for illumination about rebuilding their personalities in your image.At least TRY to keep track of the chronology, if you're not too senile yet: My first post was a simple reply to her request for info about fixing a fucking car part.
Only later, in reply to YOUR previous attack of gibberish, did I provide some illumination about why I even happened to mention that she was a "Gurrl". If YOU had kept your fucking gob shut, then I wouldn't have had to open mine any more -- which I did, only to put the record straight on one minor point: My allusions to Brenda being a woman were no "taunts".
Funny how you seem to have missed that point -- the whole original point of this sub-thread of yours -- entirely in this latest screed, eh?
You *could* of course have answered something short and to the point -- something like, "OK, my mistake" -- but in stead, you chose to go off on a self-contradictory tangent about how I am simultaneously "losing it" as an "acolyte at alt.flame" and yet single-handedly scaring people away from here, big bad psycho-analysing Oracle Remora that I am... So why is it that you chose that course?!?
Wanna know what I think? Naah, didn't think so... But I'll tell you anyway: So you wouldn't have to admit your simple mistake.
Shame, Ash. Shame on you.