Something in the water over there, of late?
Awww.. the word 'taunts' is sufficient to pierce your thin skin, izzat it? Right through the armor plate donned for each judgmental sermon. One-way armor, what a concept.
'Gramps' too, is it sonny? Cluck. Cluck.
Hmmm.. now if I had some monstrous affliction, why I could count on a nick like Crip, too. Such a banal formula. Do you lately find yourself fondly remembering the days of toilet jokes, too?
Despite all those months you surely spent as acolyte at alt.flame, I believe I have heard most of your repertoire or seen it on kiddie boards of the past, and there haven't been any originals for a long while. Seems you're losing it, sonny.
Your 'gramps'-fixation was last trotted out for a pedantically excessive rip-job on an associate of long tenure here: at least as long as yours. He chose to disappear not long after, perhaps because nobody else chimed in to smack-down the Master of snap-judgments? (Must be a coincidence though, as I doubt he feerd your practised automatic screeds any more than do I.)
I had no dog in that fight, but later regretted that I left your manic savagery unsavaged. My error - it wasn't an aberration: you appear to be stuck in that rut. I know that I preferred hearing some of Doug's lore quite more than watching replays of your argghorithm. In any event, my truculence filter works reliably better than your generator, short-in-tooth amateur.
As to present gratuitous vivisection of Owl and her milieu, methinks the smug nastiness is overdone. Yet again. Entirely irrelevant, what You Think ought to be the social compact twixt these two (were they merely Half as Brilliant as Thee\ufffd) - hers was a simple request for info about fixing a fucking car part, not for illumination about rebuilding their personalities in your image.
And if her SO doesn't know shit about cars.. well, most here don't know shit about electronics either, despite the fact of all your daily drudgery running on it. Which makes you, lately -
A Remora with delusions of psychotherapist cum oracle: still, standards being what they are in the USA - you could get your own AM radio show here (too repetitive to reach the bloviation level required for an FM slot, but practise.. practise..)
We could strive for an even more retro waste of mouth noises -
My Daddy had a better insurance policy than your Daddy.
And, Your Momma -