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New Oh WTF: Remora - yes, there's the association.
Something in the water over there, of late?
Awww.. the word 'taunts' is sufficient to pierce your thin skin, izzat it? Right through the armor plate donned for each judgmental sermon. One-way armor, what a concept.

'Gramps' too, is it sonny? Cluck. Cluck.
Hmmm.. now if I had some monstrous affliction, why I could count on a nick like Crip, too. Such a banal formula. Do you lately find yourself fondly remembering the days of toilet jokes, too?

Despite all those months you surely spent as acolyte at alt.flame, I believe I have heard most of your repertoire or seen it on kiddie boards of the past, and there haven't been any originals for a long while. Seems you're losing it, sonny.

Your 'gramps'-fixation was last trotted out for a pedantically excessive rip-job on an associate of long tenure here: at least as long as yours. He chose to disappear not long after, perhaps because nobody else chimed in to smack-down the Master of snap-judgments? (Must be a coincidence though, as I doubt he feerd your practised automatic screeds any more than do I.)

I had no dog in that fight, but later regretted that I left your manic savagery unsavaged. My error - it wasn't an aberration: you appear to be stuck in that rut. I know that I preferred hearing some of Doug's lore quite more than watching replays of your argghorithm. In any event, my truculence filter works reliably better than your generator, short-in-tooth amateur.

As to present gratuitous vivisection of Owl and her milieu, methinks the smug nastiness is overdone. Yet again. Entirely irrelevant, what You Think ought to be the social compact twixt these two (were they merely Half as Brilliant as Thee\ufffd) - hers was a simple request for info about fixing a fucking car part, not for illumination about rebuilding their personalities in your image.

And if her SO doesn't know shit about cars.. well, most here don't know shit about electronics either, despite the fact of all your daily drudgery running on it. Which makes you, lately -

A Remora with delusions of psychotherapist cum oracle: still, standards being what they are in the USA - you could get your own AM radio show here (too repetitive to reach the bloviation level required for an FM slot, but practise.. practise..)



We could strive for an even more retro waste of mouth noises -
My Daddy had a better insurance policy than your Daddy.
And, Your Momma -

New Sigh... *Do* try to get a grip, wouldja?
Ashton needs his meds upped again:
Despite all those months you surely spent as acolyte at alt.flame, I believe I have heard most of your repertoire or seen it on kiddie boards of the past, and there haven't been any originals for a long while. Seems you're losing it, sonny.
That's "grandson" to you, O senile one.

Your 'gramps'-fixation was last trotted out for a pedantically excessive rip-job on an associate of long tenure here: at least as long as yours. He chose to disappear not long after, perhaps because nobody else chimed in to smack-down the Master of snap-judgments? (Must be a coincidence though, as I doubt he feerd your practised automatic screeds any more than do I.)
So make your mind up: Am I the big bad Über-flamer who scared away Doug, or am I an "acolyte of kiddie boards" who is "losing it"? Explain in simple words -- if you know any -- how I can be both.

As to present gratuitous vivisection of Owl and her milieu, methinks the smug nastiness is overdone. Yet again. Entirely irrelevant, what You Think ought to be the social compact twixt these two (were they merely Half as Brilliant as Thee\ufffd) - hers was a simple request for info about fixing a fucking car part, not for illumination about rebuilding their personalities in your image.
At least TRY to keep track of the chronology, if you're not too senile yet: My first post was a simple reply to her request for info about fixing a fucking car part.

Only later, in reply to YOUR previous attack of gibberish, did I provide some illumination about why I even happened to mention that she was a "Gurrl". If YOU had kept your fucking gob shut, then I wouldn't have had to open mine any more -- which I did, only to put the record straight on one minor point: My allusions to Brenda being a woman were no "taunts".

Funny how you seem to have missed that point -- the whole original point of this sub-thread of yours -- entirely in this latest screed, eh?

You *could* of course have answered something short and to the point -- something like, "OK, my mistake" -- but in stead, you chose to go off on a self-contradictory tangent about how I am simultaneously "losing it" as an "acolyte at alt.flame" and yet single-handedly scaring people away from here, big bad psycho-analysing Oracle Remora that I am... So why is it that you chose that course?!?

Wanna know what I think? Naah, didn't think so... But I'll tell you anyway: So you wouldn't have to admit your simple mistake.

Shame, Ash. Shame on you.

   [link|mailto:MyUserId@MyISP.CountryCode|Christian R. Conrad]
(I live in Finland, and my e-mail in-box is at the Saunalahti company.)
Your lies are of Microsoftian Scale and boring to boot. Your 'depression' may be the closest you ever come to recognizing truth: you have no 'inferiority complex', you are inferior - and something inside you recognizes this. - [link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=71575|Ashton Brown]
New Re: Sigh... *Do* try to get a grip, wouldja?
Nope - gratuitous rehash re Owlet. Can't tie it to any of my sins of omission or commission; you're just playing shrink again. Deny meaning 'a taunt' all you wish, you still grabbed a convenient excuse to rehash way-past psych judgments.

My simple little mind figures that, Owlet has survived the initial gantlet (in which I also participated) and that ordeal earns her a certain Right not be re-ridiculed casually, for possessing so few of the magniloquent 'talents' of this odd-lot group of sometimes Prima donnas.

That's where you and I disagree - if its simple you're really after.
So make your mind up: Am I the big bad \ufffdber-flamer who scared away Doug, or am I an "acolyte of kiddie boards" who is "losing it"? Explain in simple words -- if you know any -- how I can be both.
I shouldn't be surprised that you cannot imagine how (say..) you might be both toothless and also a litmus of sorts. But since I didn't ask Doug directly his reasons for seceding, and our conversations are rarely about IWE topics, anyway: I can only infer that it mattered to him that, nobody else troubled to interrupt your gramps-tirade, either sanely or sarcastically.

Tacit can seem to signal agreement, and that's why I regret not responding to gut instinct immediately, even if butting-in. You want it in simple words, do you? This is as 'simple' as it gets concerning other people's jelloware. Now parse that to meaninglessness, why not?

As to shut-the-fuck-up: you could do with some practice, just before you're contemplating stuffing someone into another nice simple logical pigeonhole. I sometimes wonder if you actually imagine that human 'reason' is reducible to some fucking logical table; I had thought that you were smarter than that. But then, you're getting older; good reminder for me to watch someday for symptoms like .. oversimplification, too.

But even if you're an aging crank, I still love you. Agap\ufffdistically speaking.:-)

As in: affection, altruism, amity, attachment, benevolence, benignity, bountifulness, caritas, clemency, compassion, fellow feeling, generosity, goodness, goodwill, grace, humaneness, humanity, indulgence, kindliness, lenity, love, magnanimity, mercy

Hmmm.. quite different from 'agape'. A little ' makes all the difference.
     What would YOU do? - (Nightowl) - (28)
         I'd say "ta ta old thing" and buy a BMW E46. -NT - (pwhysall)
         Well, what I'd do . . - (Andrew Grygus)
         You can get a new radiator for ~$350. - (Another Scott) - (2)
             Thanks! - (Nightowl) - (1)
                 horses puckey - (boxley)
         according to www.radiator.com - (boxley) - (5)
             Re: according to www.radiator.com - (Nightowl) - (4)
                 well owl, a smallleak youcan reach is about $7.00 to fix -NT - (boxley) - (3)
                     I doubt it was that small. - (Nightowl) - (2)
                         at 15lbs psi when the motor is running - (boxley) - (1)
                             I've heard of that stuff :) - (Nightowl)
         I'd do it myself - (Steve Lowe)
         First, I'd learn to spell "thermostat". And then, I'd try... - (CRConrad) - (1)
             Thanks for the correct spelling. :) - (Nightowl)
         Re: What would YOU do? - (Ashton) - (10)
             Hey, nitterwit - which "taunts" are you gibbering about? - (CRConrad) - (8)
                 Re: Hey, nitterwit - which "taunts" are you gibbering about? - (Nightowl) - (2)
                     Owl, four words you need to learn how to use - (Arkadiy) - (1)
                         I'll work on that. - (Nightowl)
                 Oh, BS - (broomberg) - (1)
                     Nah, neither BS nor even just silly - the problem... - (CRConrad)
                 Oh WTF: Remora - yes, there's the association. - (Ashton) - (2)
                     Sigh... *Do* try to get a grip, wouldja? - (CRConrad) - (1)
                         Re: Sigh... *Do* try to get a grip, wouldja? - (Ashton)
             Re: What would YOU do? - (Nightowl)
         Decision made :) - (Nightowl) - (2)
             Good for you.... - (gdaustin) - (1)
                 Re: Good for you.... - (Nightowl)

Moo. It's what's for dinner.
62 ms