Someone (one of my many friend mechanics who are no longer available), used that sort of stuff to patch my power steering pump. It was actually at the base of the pump chimney. It's held ever since and that was years ago.
I'm only paying $110.00 labor, I don't consider that all that much, but then after years of paying $30.00 labor or such to friends (because that's all they asked for most of the time), I guess it is a lot. But yeah, I think the warranty was what sold John on the Dobbs choice. At this rate my whole car will soon have a lifetime warranty from Dobbs, (other than the body, that is). ;)
I think in this case, since it was really really old, was repaired once and was nearly shot, (the fins were all bad, there were multiple leaks), patching it would not have done much. It would have probably sprung a new leak next week.
But I agree, that stuff is pretty awesome, and man does it ever solidify and hold. My friend called it Miracle metal. ;)