This, however, does not mean that a large proportion of the North Korean population isn't composed of people who are just trying to get by, like you and me. It is my reading that this article is about those people.
It is a common feature of post-September 11th dialogue that the individual people living in a country and the policies and actions of the government of that country are rendered indistinguishable.
This attitude may have inspired the article. Yes, there is a large majority of North Koreans who are "just trying to get by" without selling their children for [link|http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2003/06/08/wkor08.xml|meat]. Western journalists will not ever hear the voices of those people, except may be as defectors who escaped prison camps. No, the "businessmen" that the lady reporter interviewed are in no way representative of these people.
[angry rant removed]