[link|http://www.wikipedia.com/wiki.cgi?Philip_K._Dick|One take]
Which says:
The movie [Total Recall]? was based on one of his short stories (We can remember it for you wholesale), as was the movie Screamers (based on Second Variety). Some scenes in The Terminator, of the future war landscape with killer androids trying to sneak into the shelters disguised as humans, are very reminiscent of Second Variety, though no mention was made in that movie's credits.
Yeah.. forgot they lifted
Second Variety wholesale. Guess we gotta live with -nulled; PKD got no vote :[
I expect we'll see further plagiarism, as it's evident that modrin folk have mainly lost it.
Ever catch an episode of
Space Island - some fairly recent Scottish series? (shown on SciFi night on a local PBS station). The biologist character has all the warmth and charm of a Billy, with brogue; none can act. And WTF Can you do - 'taking data for some &^#$^*# Mega-Corporation's Profit$' - that could be remotely interesting ??? Nada. And it shows. Empty minds, bad enough. Empty Corporate Minds = worse.
They appear to have made no progress since an earlier 'space station' thingie, so Awful I seem to have erased name ..maybe had 'Galactica' (Battlestar G. ??) in it and
Barbara Bain - all time contender for having been whittled out of same wood, by Gepetto, as Pinocchio. But without animation.
2001 invented the genre - can't think of anything which overall, comes close to that originality, but we're now going backwards. Latest Star Wars (shown w/ads and more/ads and ..) I checked out: rehash, trite, boring. Shoot-em up 3-D motorcycles. Yawn. The Farce be with you - an insult to the more useful myths; the usual effect of Disneyizing.
Give a shout if you should spot anything Good. It could happen.