I used to think it was "a mistaken belief".
But I don't anymore. I believe Jimmy Carter was right, that the last Presidential election was about the soul of the nation. Further, every poll I've ever seen leads me to the conclusion that RW philosophy *is* the prevalent American philosophy. Certainly my own experience with the populace supports this view.
I've been looking around for a very long time for some, hell any, evidence that this conclusion I've only recently come to, that RW philosophy accurately represents what the majority is thinking, is not correct. But I'm on empty. If the majority of people, for whatever reason, don't care to the point that they won't even vote *against* Dubya, then I don't think there is any hope that "secretly, the silent majority really isn't the mean-spirited, ego-maniacal, uncaring bunch their elected representatives would lead you to believe they are."
[Edits: God, don't write and talk about two separate things simultaneously]
Eine Leute. Eine Welt. Ein F\ufffdhrer.
God Bless America.

Edited by
Feb. 22, 2005, 11:26:12 AM EST

Edited by
Feb. 22, 2005, 11:27:26 AM EST
I used to think it was "a mistaken belief".
But I don't anymore. I believe Jimmy Carter was right, that the last Presidential election was about the soul of the nation. Further, every poll I've ever seen leads me to the conclusion that RW philosophy *is* the prevalent American philosophy. Certainly my own experience with the populace supports this view.
I've been looking around for a very long time for some, hell any, evidence that this conclusion I've only recently come to, that RW philosophy accurately represents what the majority is thinking, is not correct. But I'm on empty. If the majority of people, for whatever reason, don't care to the point that they won't even vote *against* Dubya, then I don't think there is any hope that "secretly, the silent majority really isn't the mean-spirited, ego-maniacal, uncaring bunch their elect representatives would lead you to believe they are."
Eine Leute. Eine Welt. Ein Führer.
God Bless America.