I picked up a [link|http://www.mobileburn.com/review.jsp?Id=822|Motorolas HS820] headset yesterday. Charged it up and it paired to my iMac without any problems. Went into Skype and changed it's audio in/out settings to use the headset. All system sounds(including Skype's incoming call ring) continue to use the built in speakers, all conversation now occurs with the headset.

Audio quality was great. My mom really liked now much louder it was on her end compared to the prior call using the iMac's built in microphone. She said the first call she had to keep putting her head down by the laptop to hear what I was saying. My computer is all the way to the front of the house and I was able to wander around my house without any issues until I hit the family room. The family room is furthest away from the study and has numerous walls between it and the computer. There's a button on the headset that can be used to answer/hang up calls with a cell phone. I need to see if I can use it to do the same with Skype calls. I forsee upgrading my cell phone to a bluetooth model.

My aunt never got online, so we tried to conference with both of my parent's systems and my own. Skype stopped responding on my system and my dad's. I had to force-kill it. We weren't able to make it work. We had a similiar problem when trying to use iChat(me) and AIM(them) all at the same time, so I suspect the problem is because they're NAT'ed behind the same IP address.