Post #193,313
2/6/05 8:00:52 PM
The worst fires aren't intended...
I have come to believe that idealism without discipline is a quick road to disaster, while discipline without idealism is pointless. -- Aaron Ward (my brother)
Post #193,327
2/6/05 9:57:49 PM
Yes, but if the arsonists return to the scene over and over
It's like, like if there was this really bad arsonist car analogy and like this really bad arsonist car ran over a cliff over and over again like into a coal pit like, you know, like in "Groundhog Day" when like Bill Murray was like trying to make today like change into tomorrow but like it wouldn't because he like didn't understand yet (and I don't like want to give it like away), like and the arsonist truck like wasn't destroyed even though it like was because it was like an arsonist car analogy.
This flame thread would be like that.
But thankfully, it isn't.
Cheers, Scott. :-)
Post #193,343
2/7/05 12:56:58 AM
But who is Bill Murray? (And what lesson?)
I have come to believe that idealism without discipline is a quick road to disaster, while discipline without idealism is pointless. -- Aaron Ward (my brother)
Post #193,369
2/7/05 7:38:40 AM
Eh? 27kB
[image||0|Bill and Phil|425|344]
[link||The Lesson].
Cheers, Scott.
Post #193,396
2/7/05 11:36:48 AM
I meant in this flame war
I have come to believe that idealism without discipline is a quick road to disaster, while discipline without idealism is pointless. -- Aaron Ward (my brother)
Post #193,397
2/7/05 11:38:13 AM
The flaming participants.
Post #193,398
2/7/05 11:40:05 AM
Which *one* of us?
I have come to believe that idealism without discipline is a quick road to disaster, while discipline without idealism is pointless. -- Aaron Ward (my brother)
Post #193,399
2/7/05 11:41:08 AM
Could fit several, perhaps. Why do you ask?
Post #193,400
2/7/05 11:48:58 AM
Very simply...
I'm trying to get you to sucker you into indicating which side you belong to, so that you become a participant and can get roundly flamed by the other side.
Why else would you think? :-P
Cheers, Ben
I have come to believe that idealism without discipline is a quick road to disaster, while discipline without idealism is pointless. -- Aaron Ward (my brother)
Post #193,401
2/7/05 11:53:00 AM
Dunno. I'm a little dense sometimes.
I try to avoid taking public sides in disputes here, unless I think I can defuse tensions in some way.
So, I'll demure in this case. Sorry.
But feel free to flame away. Don't want to spoil the fun. :-)
Cheers, Scott.
Post #193,541
2/8/05 1:41:08 AM
You might be pretty (?)___decidedly not demure___:-\ufffd
Post #193,402
2/7/05 11:56:53 AM
If we're choosing sides in Groundhog Day ...
Can I be the groom getting the tickets to the monster truck rally?
Purveyor of Doc Hope's [link||fresh-baked dog biscuits and pet treats]. [link||]
Post #193,440
2/7/05 1:38:17 PM
No. marlowe can be Ned though.
Post #193,511
2/7/05 9:20:40 PM
well either side isnt bored with it yet :-)
I love her dearly, far beyond any creature I've ever known, and I can prove it, for never once in almost seventy years of married life have I taken her by the throat. Mind you, it's been a near thing once or twice. George Macdonald Frasier Clearwater highschool marching band [link||]