Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld twice submitted his resignation last year during the scandal over the U.S. abuse of prisoners at Abu Ghraib, Iraq, but President Bush declined both times, he said in an interview airing Thursday.

I can just see that conversation.

(Rumsfeld)This scandal is getting way out of hand. If you think it's necessary for the good of the White House, er country, I will resign.
(Bush)Do I think you should resign?
(Rumsfeld)I have confidence that all the criminal behavior will be attributed to a few bad apples at the bottom.
(Rove)As long as the criminal charges can be kept away from the White House, it would be better to keep Rumsfeld.
(Cheney)We should be able to keep this from being traced back to us, I don't see any reason that Rumsfeld should resign now.
(Bush)I have full confidence in you, I would never ask resign.

That is minus some swear words from Cheney and mispronuciations from Bush.
