'Forbidden Games' [!!!] for some reason I remember Odd names, as of the two children: Georges Poujouly and Brigitte Fossey.

Methinks that WW-II elevated consciousness levels (well, of the susceptible..) for a time
(which time has - long since run out). Transistorized plots + graphics = pretty thin gruel for a pretty specious flock.

Then, while Muricans were immersed in the blandness of Ike, Beaver Cleaver and the tawdry menace of McCarthy - the French et al were ummm \ufffd la recherche de l'\ufffdme, apparemment perdue? -- like that now International face of the man in tears, witnessing their '40s version of the '00 Neoconman Brigade goose-stepping down the Champs Elys\ufffde (one could always hope that those motherfuckers suffered severe chiropractic problems later; preferably sooner).

Congrats on retrieval; it's worse than lending books! to some folks.
(I deem Vanya to be such, natch. Soon.. soon..)

Should never have watched that grinning chimp in front of the Teleprompter... :(