Cow-orker asked if I was using an OSX theme
[link||This] is my home box, which looks pretty much like work except for different wallpaper, and the one at work doesn't have the lower panel. (The window list fits on the top panel on the larger display at work.)
Cow-orker comes over and asks if I'm running an OSX theme. I tell him No, it's a Gnome theme.
"But it looks just like OSX, it's an OSX theme!"
No, it's actually Industrial, which is the Ximian default desktop, with borders from Gorilla, a Mono theme.
"Well, they obviously copied OSX. Look how they put the start bar on the top."
Umm, I've been putting the panel on the top for several years, OSX isn't even the first Mac to put its menu on the top, and even Windows has let you move the start bar to any edge -- including the top -- ever since Win95. How is great blue blazes does that make this an "OSX theme"?
Purveyor of Doc Hope's [link||fresh-baked dog biscuits and pet treats].