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New Willy Wonka Lives!

Cantu is experimenting with liquid nitrogen, helium and superconductors to make foods levitate. And while many chefs speak of buying new ovens or refrigerators, he wants to invest in a three-dimensional printer to make physical prototypes of his inventions, which he now painstakingly builds by hand. The 3D printer could function as a cooking device, creating silicone molds for pill-sized dishes flavored, say, like watermelon, bacon and eggs, or even beef Bourguignon, he said, and he could also make edible molds out of cornstarch.

He also plans to buy a class IV laser to create dishes that are "impossible through conventional means." (A class IV laser, the highest grade under the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's classification system, projects high-powered beams and is typically used for surgery or welding.)

Cantu said he might use the laser to burn a hole through a piece of sashimi tuna, cooking the fish thoroughly inside but leaving its exterior raw. He said he would also use the laser to create "inside out" bread, where the crust is baked inside the loaf and the doughy part is the outer surface. "We'll be the first restaurant on planet Earth to use a class IV laser to cook food," he said with a grin.

He is testing a handheld ion-particle gun, which he said is for levitating food. So far he has zapped only salt and sugar, but envisions one day making whole meals float before awestruck diners.
Definitely sounds like Mr Wizard meets Galloping Gourmet

"Whenever you find you are on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect"   --Mark Twain

"The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them."   --Albert Einstein

"This is still a dangerous world. It's a world of madmen and uncertainty and potential mental losses."   --George W. Bush
New Always nice to see someone enjoying their work
Tom Sinclair

"This is a lovely party," said the Bursar to a chair, "I wish I was here."
-- The Bursar is a man under a *lot* of stress
(Terry Pratchett, Lords and Ladies)
New Floating food?
I am so there.
"In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for. As for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican."
-- H. L. Mencken
New No weirder than amt. of ink in local papers re Wine!
('Course I live IN the CA Wine Country.. but I mean that the SF Chron has a whole daily Wine section, never mind the perpetual local obsession.. Factoid: Ch. Petrus [the Messiah of Merlots] = $600 a bottle nowadays.)

I suppose that stuff like above is ~~ where $Interest shall be focussed amidst the bored, spoiled, overpaid-class as ever seeks new distractions -- while abstracting the sights of the demolition all around (car window shading facilitates that Not Looking dance, while enroute from suburban hideaway through the mean streets --> The Office). We're becoming world Experts at eye-aversion from the obvious.

ie Yawn.
Just whistling past the cemetery - only now, even that 'whistle' is canned too: an iPod will supply the soundscape from Gated Community\ufffd --> Secure Garage.
     Willy Wonka Lives! - (tuberculosis) - (3)
         Always nice to see someone enjoying their work -NT - (tjsinclair)
         Floating food? - (Silverlock)
         No weirder than amt. of ink in local papers re Wine! - (Ashton)

30 ms