My office it going through a toss out the
old cycle. Today's haul is interesting.
A dozen Qlogic PCI copper fibre channel (FC) boards:
A pair of Gadzoox 8 port Copper FC switches:
Cappelix 2000C
Note: Gadzoox went out of business a couple of years ago,
with Broadcom picking over the bones.
A bunch of cabling.
I'm thinking about running TCP/IP over FC. I always
wanted to see how that compared against real Gbit.
I COULD take a few TB of SCSI disks in FC enclosures,
but the cost to power them would sink me. They
are all hot swap, a mix of 36 and 72 GB, mostly
10,000 RPM.
Would anyone want me to grab a couple of boxes of the
drives and bring them to BeeP Bash? Give them away as
party favors?