The model used by the vast majority of credit card companies is to find suckers that don't read the fine print of their credit card rules. Their goal is to find people who need to regularly max out their credit card and can just afford to keep ahead of payments so they always owe interest. That is why you see so many adds for 'low interest' or 'fixed interest' or 'no hassle' cards. What they don't explain in the ads is that if you are ever so much as late on one payment, they become a 'money eating' card.

Which is comptemptable but if that is the way they want to run their buisness, so be it. What I really object to is credit card companies now trying to get bankruptcy laws changed to prevent people from discharging their credit card debt. These companies are intentionally looking for people who are nearly broke and then act surprised when a high percent do go broke. And their solution isn't to find more reliable customers, it is to increase the penalties for going broke.
