Someone on zIWT acquired some new technology? Well that's hardly news :)
But I needed a PC to play a few games I'd received for Christmas. My Duron700 just doesn't cut it anymore :)
Now, when one of the displays in your house is a (roughly) 4m x 3m wall (ie: a projector), and the other a 19" CRT, it's obvious which one you must play the games on... so I needed a loungeroom-friendly machine.
The specs of the machine aren't too special - Athlon64 3000, Some kind of Leadtek GeForce5700fx card, Serial ATA HD and stuff.
The bit I reckon is cool, though, is the case: A [link| |Cavalier 2 (CAV-T02-UKA) Black]. Just the thing for a Home Theatre PC - matched my DVD player & Amplifer etc just fine. (ie: I'm only buying black equipment until they invent something darker.) And as a bonus, it's really quiet. Yes, the analog sound meter is pointless. Yes, it's why I bought the case :)
So I'm happy - and am still wasting a phenomenal amount of time playing [link||Evil Genius].
No I haven't put Debian on it, yet.