He went home yesterday, they determined he is losing blood because the cancer eats it up, so they will probably have to transfuse him some, I guess.

The good part is that he went home, plus they determined that the cancer is the more treatable non small-cell cancer, and the prognosis is good with chemo and or radiation.

The bad part is that he went home to his house, and upstairs to his bedroom, so he can't come down the stairs for several days, and his mother, Jeffie, who is 96, can't go up the stairs. So they still haven't told her he has cancer, and now it has to wait until he can get down the stairs.

But they asked the dr's opinion, and he explained that the biggest problem cancer patients have besides the disease itself, is the feeling that they have no control over their lives anymore, or control of anything. So he said it was imperative to let Fred tell Jeffie himself, so that he had control of at least that aspect.

Katie, his sister at least calmed most of the relatives, including the aunt from Florida, citing what the doctor said, and telling her that they were going to abide by it. Since it came from the doctor, a higher authority, the relatives have stopped putting the pressure on us to get Jeffie told with or without Fred.

Now we wait I guess... I'm just glad I'm getting a breather from all the relatives pressure. :)
