What mean?
Rake and trail of forks is the geometry and those #s certainly affect the 'handling' or progressive feel as the angle is increased; CG and the balance of centripetal / centrifugal forces - depending on the sharpness of the turn and the \ufffd coeff. of the tires (tyres): sets the angle of lean.
Easily drawn with the outward --> being the CG (centrif.) force line. At ground, the <-- arrow is the (centrip.) force line of traction F~\ufffdN*. Raise/lower the mass til these are equal and opposite. (Else one falls off) No?
* yeah with modrin techno-mixtures, you *can* exceed 1.0 for \ufffd thru a 'gearing' contact/stickiness. N=normal force vector; gravity assumed.
Guess I don't see much place for worrying too much about precession and such re wheel rotation - til well over the ton (though you Could notice the rocking-couple of a BMW opposed twin, on blipping the throttle hard in a turn, or at idle). Still, the wheels (or a vert. twin's rotating bits) have never seemed germane; can only imagine they would, if the rim were made of iron (definitely if Uranium ;-).
On WATER - what do with those opposing -->s ? What's \ufffd like for a pontoon? Still and all - it sounds doable once you'd unlearned all your road instincts (Hah!) And.. all you Ought to get is wet if -
OK CRC: make three :-\ufffd
Merlin Engine Works