Tis beyond my massive power
to save you - since you chose to live in Indiana. They haven't built the punitentiary that can recompile your jelloware -
(Ever run into anyone who knows a little ditty, Indiana We're Coming Home?
My Gramma writ the words; they may be around here somewhere.)
Kurt always gets it right, of course. From the sublime to .. Was just watching Dr. Gene Scott en passant [80 yo energetic geezer + his 20-something wife warbling into the microphone] fulminating with his whiteboards full of Aramaic, Hebrew, Greek and God's Own Language..
What a trip - Certainty + gift for gab Gets Girls. Too.
Where did we go wrong? Was it - thinking that if you made colleges, accumulated enough words / cubic closest-packing - you needn't do any deeds (or refrain from doing certain ones)? Kept a lot off the streets, while it lasted.
Truth is: Sergei Nakariakov playing .. anything at all. Transcendently.
(I believe that substituting the sublime for the predictable daily weirdness post-Inaguration - will be the way to go. Who needs to Rapture-out when you can Rapture-in? That's my plan for the duration.)