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New Another non-sequitor
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From Fates Worse Than Death by Kurt Vonnegut

In the children's fable The White Deer, by the late American humorist James Thurber, the Royal Astronomer in a medieval court reports that all the stars are going out. What has really happened is that the astronomer has grown old and is going blind. That was Thurber's condition too, when he wrote his tale. He was making fun of a sort of old poop who imagined that life was ending not merely for himself but for the whole universe. Inspired by Thurber, then, I choose to call any old poop who writes a popular book saying that the world, or at least his own country, is done for, a 'Royal Astronomer' and his subject matter 'Royal Astronomy.' Since I myself have become an old poop at last, perhaps I, too, should write such a book. But it is hard for me to follow the standard formula for successful Royal Astronomy, a formula going back who knows how far, maybe to the invention of printing by the Chinese a couple of thousand years ago. The formula is, of course: 'Things aren't as good as they used to be. The young people don't know anything and don't want to know anything. We have entered a steep decline!' But have we? Back when I was a kid, lynchings of black people were reported almost every week, and always went unpunished. Apartheid was as sternly enforced in my hometown, which was Indianapolis, as it is in South Africa nowadays. Many great universities, including those in the Ivy League, rejected most of the Jews who applied for admission solely because of their Jewishness, and had virtually no Jews and absolutely no blacks, God knows, on their faculties. I am going to ask a question -- and President Reagan, please don't answer: Those were the good old days? When I was a kid during the Great Depression, when it was being demonstrated most painfully that prosperity was not a natural by-product of liberty, books by Royal Astronomers were as popular as they are today. They said, as most of them do today, that the country was falling apart because the young people were no longer required to read Plato and Aristotle and Marcus Aurelius and St. Augustine and Montaigne and the like, whose collective wisdom was the foundation of any decent and just and productive society. Back in the Great Depression, the Royal Astronomers used to say that a United States deprived of that wisdom was nothing but a United States of radio quiz shows and music straight out of the jungles of Darkest Africa. They say now that the same subtraction leaves the United States of nothing but television quiz shows and rock and roll, which leads, they say, inexorably to dementia. But I find uncritical respect for most works by great thinkers of long ago unpleasant, because they almost all accepted as natural and ordinary the belief that females and minority races and the poor were on earth to be uncomplaining, hardworking, respectful, and loyal servants of white males, who did the important thinking and exercised leadership.

You're a good man. Watch your blood pressure. We love you and want to see you ranting for many years to come...
Just a few thoughts,

New Gotta dash.. get back to ya later, Danno :-)
(Hey.. I take NONE of this stuff seriously - remember? ..some of us see maya as maya.)
What's confusing about That?

sat chit ananda, y'all -

<ob speelingnazi> sequitur as in Gaudeamus igitur cha cha cha
Gotta report this to the IT-English CLO, you understand..
Expand Edited by Ashton Jan. 14, 2005, 06:06:58 PM EST
New Thank you for sparing me
Ashton the grammarian... So I guess your saying mother maya?

Sorry for attributing attributes to you that are non-existential. Which takes us back to the a priori non-sequitur... Nescafe pas?

I'm going to the punitentiary for that last one. Greetings and salutations
Just a few thoughts,
Putting descartes before des horses in South Bend,

New *choke* ROFL!
Imric's Tips for Living
  • Paranoia Is a Survival Trait
  • Pessimists are never disappointed - but sometimes, if they are very lucky, they can be pleasantly surprised...
  • Even though everyone is out to get you, it doesn't matter unless you let them win.

Nothing is as simple as it seems in the beginning,
As hopeless as it seems in the middle,
Or as finished as it seems in the end.
New Tis beyond my massive power
to save you - since you chose to live in Indiana. They haven't built the punitentiary that can recompile your jelloware -

(Ever run into anyone who knows a little ditty, Indiana We're Coming Home?
My Gramma writ the words; they may be around here somewhere.)

Kurt always gets it right, of course. From the sublime to .. Was just watching Dr. Gene Scott en passant [80 yo energetic geezer + his 20-something wife warbling into the microphone] fulminating with his whiteboards full of Aramaic, Hebrew, Greek and God's Own Language..
What a trip - Certainty + gift for gab Gets Girls. Too.

Where did we go wrong? Was it - thinking that if you made colleges, accumulated enough words / cubic closest-packing - you needn't do any deeds (or refrain from doing certain ones)? Kept a lot off the streets, while it lasted.

Truth is: Sergei Nakariakov playing .. anything at all. Transcendently.

(I believe that substituting the sublime for the predictable daily weirdness post-Inaguration - will be the way to go. Who needs to Rapture-out when you can Rapture-in? That's my plan for the duration.)

     Moving on ---> to metaphysics and The non-Spotless Mind - (Ashton) - (23)
         democracy is never a good thing - (daemon)
         Has anyone ever been as prescient as Mencken? - (mmoffitt) - (8)
             To repy to you in the "right" forum - (Arkadiy) - (7)
                 You're not likely to see any from me anymore. - (mmoffitt) - (6)
                     Remember Nixon? - (danreck) - (5)
                         Whew - (bepatient) - (4)
                             Hey beep - (danreck) - (3)
                                 Yeah...I remember now... - (bepatient)
                                 Where TF is the air clean in Indiana? - (mmoffitt) - (1)
                                     The closer you get to Gary - (danreck)
         to be replaced by? - (bepatient) - (9)
             you just described the body politic - (daemon) - (1)
                 So incoherent and yet so eloquent. - (pwhysall)
             Why.. nothing at all. - (Ashton) - (6)
                 Another non-sequitor - (danreck) - (4)
                     Gotta dash.. get back to ya later, Danno :-) - (Ashton) - (3)
                         Thank you for sparing me - (danreck) - (2)
                             *choke* ROFL! -NT - (imric)
                             Tis beyond my massive power - (Ashton)
                 ..as Good ..or as Bad - (dmcarls)
         non-sequitor - (danreck) - (2)
             Moody Blues. - (bepatient)
             If Salvador Dali had owned a computer, would it have been - (Ashton)

Hail entropy!
145 ms