Or Reagan or Clinton or any of the other two termers in my lifetime? You write:
"That is what is so disheartening about the 2004 election for me. I have finally lost faith in the majority of American people."
To whit, whoopity doody do! It's about fricking time! Join the party, Mikey - the real party in this three party system. The party of the majority. The disillusioned masses of nonvoters who no longer "believe in" any of the assclowns dredged up every four years to bellow platitudes and the same tired mantras of their long ago irrelevent "parties". I view those of you with passion for the political parties with the same distance as those of Hinduism versus Judeo-christian philosophies. I buy into a little of what everyone is saying but not enough of what anyone is saying to cast my tacit approval. (Natch) Welcome to the Machine. Welcome to the club.
FWIW, this is what I've been trying to tell you sad sack assclowns all last year (I was going to take the high road and not say "I told you so" - oh well!) I blame folks like you (nattering nabobs of negativity) for leading my former party down the trail of "nothing but negativeness" and insulting the "intelligence of we the fricking people". You got the result I thought - people didn't vote for Bush, they voted against "the void of any ideas except attacks on the current MFAC in office". Kerry ran "against" Bush and not "for" anything.
Some people I spoke with in Ohio said they voted for Bush because they felt sorry for him. Think about it.
Any brief interlude with academia will show you that the people who actually "present ideas/research" are by far -BY FAR- outnumbered by those that are trying to discredit their ideas. But even if the idea/research is "silly", the folks presenting still are viewed more positively than those nattering neybobs of negativity trying to tear them apart. It's human nature, I think.
You should have seen it coming... I did. I told you so. You chose not to listen. Oh well... Get 'em again four years from now tiger. Sooner or later the blue will beat the red (the Red Sox won after all).
Don't give up the faith.