IWETHEY v. 0.3.0 | TODO
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New That's for older versions
The current version leaves no trace in HijackThis AdAware or anything else, and it's fully running in Safe Mode and even Safe Mode Command Prompt so it can't be removed, and the files you find with an AdAwre scan don't really exist or can't be seen by Windows.

I tried yanking the plug so there would be no chance of clean-up and then went into Windows\\System32 from a recovery boot from CD and none of the listed files was there. Only DLLCompare can find the VX2 .dlls and does so by comparing it's own list with what Windows sees. Anything Windows can't see is suspect.

Oh, and incidentally, it updates itself to the latest version every few weeks to keep ahead of the scumware removers.
Collapse Edited by Andrew Grygus Jan. 7, 2005, 02:57:52 PM EST
That's for older versions
The current version leaves no trace in HijackThis AdAware or anything else, and it's fully running in Safe Mode and even Safe Mode Command Prompt so it can't be removed, and the files you find with an AdAwre scan don't really exist or can't be seen by Windows.

I tried yanking the plug so there would be no chance of clean-up and then went into Windows\System32 from a recovery boot from CD and none of the listed files was there. Only DLLCompare can find the VX2 .dlls and does so by comparing it's own list with what Windows sees. Anything Windows can't see is suspect.
New Joy. :-( Thanks for the info.
     VX2 - (Andrew Grygus) - (9)
         Did you try the new free MS antispyware tool? - (andread) - (3)
             Wanna bet... - (folkert) - (2)
                 Doubtful that it works. - (Andrew Grygus)
                 Re: Wanna bet... - (andread)
         ICLRPD (new thread) - (drewk)
         Well, I can't say . . . - (Andrew Grygus)
         Did you try this set of instructions? - (Another Scott) - (2)
             That's for older versions - (Andrew Grygus) - (1)
                 Joy. :-( Thanks for the info. -NT - (Another Scott)

The namespace is ... large. And a dictionary attack against a ... large namespace is ... large and then some.
35 ms