I'm not attacking your post - it's just a convenient place to make this point.
no problem...and same back at ya. ;-)
What would make more sense for a multi-millionaire with a family in the construction business to do to further his chosen cause? To personally spend weeks or more in the dirt on his belly learning about war-fighting techniques, or use his money and construction expertise to recruit others and build infrastructure?
Recall that he has a large entourage around him. He has to keep his where-abouts secret. Does it make sense for such a valuable person (due to his money and business contacts, etc.) to be trained by the CIA to fight the Russians in Afghanistan? Would the Taliban rather have him propping up their regime with money or have him running around in bands of young men with Kalashnikovs?
It doesn't make sense that the CIA would have trained bin Laden.
Okay, let's try another scenerio...
The CIA is attempting to help the Afghanistans fight the Communists. Congress may be balking at the amounts, and the CIA is getting the run around (told to do something, short on cash). Along comes an important Saudia who offers to spend $10 million (or more) to buy needed equipment. Saudia Arabia is an ally of ours (hell, we sell them some of our best equipment) and this is a respected individual of that country. Would the CIA arrange the sale?
Would training to use the equipment be included in the sale?
Of course, it may all depend on what the definition of "training" is. :-)