I can imagine someone out there watching saying. "This is the CIA talking." You're not going to admit that you created the most dangerous public enemy in the world.
You bet I would. If I could look you in the eye and say, "Trust me, Osama bin Laden was my guy. If it wasn't for the CIA he wouldn't be anything then, he wouldn't be anything today," if I could say that with a straight face, I think that would speed up the process of removing Mr. bin Laden as a source of great, great concern for the United States. I can't say that because it's simply not true. You can find nobody who is familiar with the situation in Pakistan and Afghanistan in those years that would say bin Laden played any role other than the fund-raiser. ...
That is what I have seen over and over again. Never anything other than we shared the same objective of removing the Soviets. The CIA by supplying vast amounts of weaponry and training in its use (mostly Stingers) and some operatives to assist in training the fighters.
Bin Laden was a money man in Afghanistan.
So...we probably shared the same distribution network...that being Pakistani intelligence.