Mine was ...
Two bites of corn and one of mashed potatoes before I had to throw in the towel.
My 2-year-old started throwing up Wednesday night. As 2-year-olds are wont to do, she spewed where she sat, which was on my lap the first time. Was up most of the night. I stayed home from work Thursday to help my wife deal with it.
Thursday my 4-year-old got it. She at least knows to head for the bathroom when she's going to spew. But didn't always make it. She was up most of Thursday night. Which means so were my wife and I.
Friday we thought we were going to get lucky and it would be over. I picked up my parents from the airport and everyone seemed okay.
Saturday mornng my wife woke up at 7:30 and had whatever it was. She curled up on the couch with a comforter over her and played dead while we all opened presents. By Saturday night she was fine, but I was starting to have problems. No vomiting, but ... let's just say I was using a different port for expelling what was in me.
I took something for it before heading to my in-laws' for dinner. Roast beef, mashed potatoes with shredded sharp white Vermont cheddar, corn cooked with bacon[1], squash, green-bean casserole, everything. I made it through three bites and had to excuse myself. When I was done I stumbled into the guest room and crawled into a bed. Started shivering violently for about a half-hour until I finally passed out. That was before 7:30 Saturday night.
I woke up this morning at 11. Felt like a truck was sitting on my head. Knew it was mostly dehydration. I've been pounding water and ginger-ale all day and I'm stilling peeing brown. Headache's mostly gone, though, and I just had some mugu gai pan, fried rice and egg drop soup. Stomache is back to nornmal.
But my father has it now. Merry Christmas.
[1] Fry a pound of bacon. Reserve the fat. Chop the bacon into 1/4-inch to 1/2-inch chuncks. Mix bacon, all drippings, and 1/4-pound of butter with two cans of cooked corn kernels. Enjoy.
Purveyor of Doc Hope's [link|http://DocHope.com|fresh-baked dog biscuits and pet treats].