First, the thought that any "model" will be all things to all people (keep everyone satisified in its success 100% of the time) is a pretty absurd thought...and one that I don't any form.
At least now we have identified what you feel to be a "better way" (tm) in "citizen-control of the entire environment".
We then go on another tear aginst the current situation...and how "bad(tm)" it is at handling certain things...
First (and foremost)...corporate control of government. It...along with many things in history...hows now been deemed a "bad thing" (tm). We have knocked off some other "bad things" in a historical context...civil rights, women's rights, slavery, severe environmental pollution...all of which..I'm their time...were changes deemed "bad for bizness".
Is it "market forces" that forced the changes? is individual citizens who decide that the situation is out of hand and (through effort and leadership) get things changed.
But you are looking for a model that makes for "authentic life on the planet". one that, I'm sure makes us all equal in each others eyes...and also equal in our abilites to effect change. Power to the poeple!
Can individuals survive in such an environment? Can our very nature change to fit in a mold where we will all consider each other humans? We will have no desire to have anything other than what all of the others have?
Well...quite've basically described the idealistic form of communism. And on paper, there's nothing quite like it. Everybody controls everything...government and sustanance of the people, by the people, for the people. That idea was and is a great one.
Theres only one little catch. It ignores fundamental human traits. We are all sinners of the seven deadly sort.
So...Ashton...I'm sure that if we sat down and described our own individual Valhalla...we would probably be very close in our descriptions. And, unfortunately, we would also be fantasizing. Unrealistically so.