What we 'deserve'.. is, apparently: universal Windoze :(

Know whatcha mean re the 'process' - best I have ever been able to find [because each er Sage never fails to Say So, explicitly] - there *IS* no process! And that idea alone, is enough to piss off a huge variety of folks who Believe differently, about there being a process for everything; just find the algorithm. Right.

'Mystical', like most words hinting ~ that, say, causality just might be a chimera? ;-) become pretty loaded. But yes, it appears (to me, a near-certainty) that it's an inward exploration. Period.
ie there's 'real'ly Nothing 'outside'.
Well, you see the problem with wherever That might --> go. Love. It.

As to Ross.. I've been around a pretty huge variety of science folk, since the beginning. V. few have I noticed possessing anywhere near the imaginitive associations of Our ex-Ross; in fact, I'd have supposed that, for the evident depth of his involvement with the math of physical models: he'd be highly unapt ever to umm grok to Fullness.

Another logical hypothesis ruined.
