You're so imbedded in Left/Right slogans..
(as-if- any of them mean anything Useful at all, amidst the serial language murders of each day)
- that it helps not a whit when you runthemalltogether.
In an elevator today, asked a nodding female aquintance, ready for the holidays? "Not when 22 more americans died in Iraq Im not" this was joe matron not college groupie.
Will the yout riseup? checkout eminem's latest vid. Will the willingness of the yout to enlist shoot and be damned and re-enlist cause feedback? yes, because the fighters will see that the politics are fucked and will leave service to serve at home, in positions to question authority.
Will the PC slavishly lockstep enslaved University Locale have any significant impact to the communities? no because they are risking nothing but their mouths, no jail sentences no risk of being drafted so they are irrelevant to this effort.
W.T.F. *are* you talking about?
The students: fucking-A they were draft-bait. More than that, the 'FS' part of FSM *was* about the freedom to discuss, argue, debate -- to Fucking Question the [ever so convenient] 'Tonkin Gulf' event and the rest of bottoned-down McNamara's bafflegab. (Have you followed McN's more recent almost-apologies? his recap of just these precise times/events? The guy who immolated himself outside the Pentagon? yada)
The Professors? your standard knee-jerk anti-intellectual gene surfaces, predictably.
Prior to FSM, the Loyalty Oath hysteria was a patent attack upon tenure; was as much about free speech as the FSM matters. As to what academicians *should do* as they see Constitutions trashed:
W.T.F "should" a Christian\ufffd (or a Jew\ufffd) "do" - while you're passing out specific assignments to labelled personages.
This revolution will take place in the hood, in the blue collar bars and the local shitkickers Unions because they are spilling the blood, not the left, they are safe behind the rhetoric of WDYHASM and wont risk breaking a nail.
doom and gloom,
Yeah, tell me about the Noble Savage in bib overalls One More Time - a real repository of them farmily valuez. They whose "blood"/"wages" are the first casualty of the Neoconman mystique -- which has proven how easily the most banal of Rovian propaganda leads these Noble Savages down the primrose path. Every fucking time.
Yeah, Charlie: WTF could anyone learn in them skoolz, of any Farmily Valuez at all?
No Sale. A Consumer is Not a Citizen, and we have far more of the former than of the latter.. Maybe it's the cholesterol in the ham'n'eggers' clogged plumbing -?- which works quite as effectively as The Tie, in reducing oxygen to brains.
So then - what exactly IS "The Hood" waiting for? Still. Meanwhile. Yet.
Will be fascinating to watch {yawn) all the inaction. Like, to date.