[link|http://www.abc.net.au/pm/content/2004/s1250830.htm|Read] [link|http://au.biz.yahoo.com/041104/30/1xe9.html|these] [link|http://www.actu.asn.au/public/campaigns/jameshardie/hardie_backgrounder.html|links], where you'll find quotes like "The legal chicanery employed by James Hardie to avoid its responsibilities to asbestos sufferers is one of the most repugnant acts in Australia\ufffds corporate history", and "...it's going to be a disaster to the tens of thousands of people who would be left without compensation...".

The alleged attempts by the company to weasel out of compensating its asbestos victims has been in the news a fair bit here - if it's true that they spent 40 years knowing asbestos was dangerous but keeping the information to themselves, it's not a company I'd want to support.

Whatever happened to alumin(i)um siding, anyway?