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New sounds like the printer is set to print in raw mode
check your settings for the remote printer to ensure it is using a driver
that way too many Iraqis conceived of free society as little more than a mosh pit with grenades. ANDISHEH NOURAEE
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New Re: sounds like the printer is set to print in raw mode
Below is all of the information I reported to Mozilla.

I installed Firefox 1.0 last week. There are two printers on my home network.
One printer is directly connected to one of the PCs and works fine. The other printer (HP LaserJet 5) is connected to a Dlink Dl704P-B1 router. Once Firefox installed that printer began misbehaving. Now when I try to print a document, from either PC, the first page contains what appears to be printer commands, then the document prints. Unfortunalely, when printed the document is missing text, characters are over-printed and sometimes, depending on the document, strange characters are included. If the same document is printed on the directly connected printer (HP LaserJet 6100 all-in-one) it is fine. I disconnected the LaserJet 5 printer from the network and connected it directly to a PC then it printed the document correctly. Also, I downloaded and installed all new printer drivers but that did not help. Lastly, I download and installed the current software versions for the DLink router but that did not help. I used Microsoft's "Add / Remove" software to remove Firefox from one of the PCs but that did not help. Also I noticed Firefox does not come with an uninstall feature to remove / reset Registry changes. My suspicion is that Firefox changed a setting in the Registry not expecting to come in contact with a faily old HP LaserJet 5 printer.

As far as the printer being set to "raw" mode, there was/is a page on www.hp.com that talks about this exact problem and part of the fix indicates that the printer should be set to "raw". When I get to my office on Monday I will provide more info about this. I tried to re-locate the page on HP but could not.

New I think it's the 704p
I have the same box (maybe an earlier version). I gave up trying to use the 704p as a print server, as discussed [link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=50525|here].

I just use the printer attached to the PC, and share it to other computers on the network using Windows (presumably you could do the same thing under Linux). (I have our G5 connected to the printer as well, it prints to it directly.)


New Re: sounds like the printer is set to print in raw mode
The following web address is the location on HP that talks about the problem I am experiencing sice the installation of Firefox.

Thanks for your help.

C:\\Documents and Settings\\avitale\\Local Settings\\Temporary Internet Files\\OLK3F1\\HP LaserJet Printers - Windows 95 PJL Commands Appear Garbled Text Prints or Timeouts Occur - bpl02500 - HP Business Support Center.htm
     Firefox - (alvitale) - (5)
         Nope - (Steven A S)
         sounds like the printer is set to print in raw mode - (daemon) - (3)
             Re: sounds like the printer is set to print in raw mode - (alvitale) - (2)
                 I think it's the 704p - (Another Scott)
                 Re: sounds like the printer is set to print in raw mode - (alvitale)

I suggest a new strategy: let the Wookie win.
145 ms